When I took my niece to Zootopia this family of rather large people were sitting behind us and they wouldn't stop coughing, I think the dad coughed on my head. Later yesterday I got real sick, so I told myself I'm never going to the movies without a mask covering my mouth.

Yeah, I wish I had my drawing pad with me, I miss drawing.
Guys you should shower daily, or at least every other day.

I often go every other day actually : p I have times where I shower every day, but I hear washing your hair daily isnt good for it. I am clean though : p
"Daily" You out of your mind? I don't mind showering every two days, but daily?! get out of town!
But the smell is magicalllllllll!
I didn't choose to use Axe, my mother just said I should start using deodorant so she handed me axe.

I keep losing it though, sometimes it's on the floor, bed or somewhere I haven't even been.

I haz a theory somebody's been using my axe!
Should keep it in your bathroom : p I keep my deodorant in the medicine cabinet. That way I can put it on after I shower or before I get ready for the day : p
I use suave deodorant.

"Strong enough for a man, made for a woman"

But mostly its really cheap : p I like the coconut scent (as if anyone cares about the scent of your deodorant) and I get it for like a dollar : p