Somebody make a "Weird Wario art on DA" thread

Here's my submission lol. Look if you dare.

It's not anime, it's an indie fighting game with really awesome characters and a fantastic story. It's one of my favorite games and I love it's soundtrack. The game also has a lot of references to other video games/cartoons/anime with jokes and character skins. Most people would think it's just a game that's made for "those" people but the game has 2 playable male characters and a few female characters that shows nothing sexual at all like Peacock who has a love for cartoons and is cyborg who acts and makes a lot of cartoon references, also the creator even made an update to tone down the fan service.

Alex Ahad the creator of the game drew Ashley in the style, but just Ashley and Red, so I need to get creative with the other Wario cast.
Toe down the fan service!? *insta refund* lol jk. Anyways I looked it up and I do remember seeing it here and there, I just didn't know it was a fighting, I thought it was like those beat-em up games or something. a fighting game though, like street fighter or Smash bros?

if it were like Smash bros maybe I'd buy such a game. Also official Ashley artwork for the game?! where?!
It's a more balanced Marvel vs Capcom 3, so screw anyone with Dr. Doom and Dante. Which means you can play 1v3 and not feel like it was a mistake since a person playing with one character has more hp and an increase in damage while the person with three people have lower health and weak damage. The game has references to a lot of stuff, although I think there's a lot of Jojo references, down to even having Big Band doing ora ora, Eliza having a Dio skin, or Peacock dropping a steamroller on people while Avery shouts "WRRRYYYY!!!" and punching the steamroller till it blows up. Ryu also makes an appearance in the background in the Meridian Rapid Transit stage. I would actually put this game in my top 10 favorite games, I love it so much that my friends call me the human SG Wiki.

Also the Ashley and Red picture drawn by Alex is here.
I will personally attest to Skullgirls being a relatively well-designed and well-balanced fighting game. And also a lot of the character designs would probably appeal to Kyon.
just a game that's made for "those" people but the game has 2 playable male characters and a few female characters that shows nothing sexual at all

Big Band is the man, he even has a King Dedede skin. Skullgirls is a major love letter to classic fighting games and just anime and cartoons in general. Peacock even shoots out Sol Badguy's sword out in one of her combos, the gameplay is similar to Guilty Gear and Darkstalkers two of my favorite fighting games.

Let's see, Filia is really nice while Samson is a grumpy alcoholic, Peacock is cocky and somewhat rude but still very lovable, Squigly and Leviathan are very gentle and polite, Big Band is such an amazing father figure to Peacock, Beowulf is a lovable idiot, Eliza is basically Dio, Painwheel is angry and wants her old life back, Ms. Fortune is cat puns/meme, Robo Fortune is literally meme, Parasoul is the princess to the kingdom so she usually wants to do the right thing, Fukua is an April's Fool joke and I'm not kidding, Cerebella is not too cocky, Valentine may seem evil but she's actually not, Double is evil but not as evil as Eliza, and finally Marie is Peacock's best friend supposed to be evil (as shown by her saving hundreds of civilians) but the Skullheart influence is what's corrupting and really it's not shown in-game but it's said that she gentle and very silly and I feel bad that she has to eliminated since she's a favorite of mine.
>gets neo geo cd

>system works fine for the first month but starts giving me shit: makes weird noises ,takes multiple tries to read discs, etc.

>oh christ

>my cat gets agitated and jumps on the goddamn neo geo

>this dissplace the laser lens, which somehow fixes the issue. the ngcd is back to reading discs just fine

She was probably responsible for it being defective in the first place, but um, can't complain.
Kyon, what is that picture taken from?

An episode of when Mcgee is too lazy to mow the soccer field himself so he summons a demon gardener with a book he found in the shed. The picture posted above is when Mcgee, Gretchen and squirt are amazed with what the demon gardener can do.

Spoiler free! the rest of the episode is funny.