Haha, yeah was a cute story : p I also remember this book we had that I used to love as a child. It was all focused on this one little boy, and was made up of like short little stories, sorta like comics. There was one where he was leaning on a brick wall, and a woman comes up to him and asks him what hes doing. He tells her hes leaning on the wall cuz he has to hold it up. She scolds him and tells him to go, so he does, and the wall collapses : p Id like to remember what the name of that was ; _ ;
That story sounds really sweet, having to hold the wall up only for it to fall down sounds very sad similar to stories you'd hear in fairy tales. Sadly I tried googling it to see if anything comes up but nothing, perhaps it'll come back to you memory is funny that way.
Do you drive, Kyon?

And thats a good idea : p You shouldnt really even talk on the phone while driving. I have a friend who likes to call me when hes driving out on the country roads, and sometimes well lose our signal and hell be cut off, and everytime it happens Im worried he crashed into something : p Wish he wouldnt do that : p
MB2 got an update I think will all call the Force Awakens update since it was focused on that, but none of the DOTF servers are up, making everyone scattered across the server list, trying to play maps that isn't balanced like DOTF.
Miiverse oc.png

I'm making my true Miiverse character next, this time not in an anime-ish style, but the style I gave him back in my Miiverse days. Here it is so far.
Haha, so true. Ahhh, I remember first joining in on the off-topic Smash community, it started with me saying how Ashley is the best and no other Wario character was close to being as cool as her, but I only wrote that for a reaction. surprisingly it got like 34 yeahs and not much hate, as I recall. The account I posted that in is console banned.

After that I kind of started messing around with the community.
Yeah, I really never drew though, I was awful at it, mix that with the shaky hands, but over time I manged to work with the shakiness. However my first Miiverse post ever was a drawing of a star coin in the NSMBU community.

The 15th of January 2015 though...oh man, never forgetting that day. Tears were shed, riots and trolls. Lol, looking at it now I shouldn't have been so upset.
Last I saw of Miiverse, it was mostly trolls, people talking about undertale and people talking about their life and what's going on. People complaining is also a big thing. I dunno how it is these days~ been awhile since I last checked there.
I don't ever go to Miiverse, it never really interested me to continue producing posts. I wouldn't really want to ever go back to it anyways, it's basically Spongebob memes and you're not getting anywhere with the community if you're not cancerously posting memes every 10 seconds.
Lol, I was worried you'd see it. No, really - I looked who was online and it was just you so I was hoping you wouldn't, but I said to myself "Like a hawk" as in you'd see it because I know you'd check notifications real fast.

Anyways, just let the others guess what it is. :3