I find it hysterical that the media, a lot of celebrities, Obama and the average person were hating on Trump a lot, yet he won. Why do people assume the absolute worst from Trump anyway? People are saying the world's over. The world is far from over.

I didn't want Trump to win, but at least Hillary won't be president. She was also bad news.
Haha yeah, even I wouldnt have thought the sky was falling if Hilary had won, just would have been bummed : p
I think there really are people out there that are convinced that if theyre candidate loses, the entire world will end, though.
I'm really worried about a few things Trump could do. Myself and a lot of people I know are really disappointed with the result. Honestly, Trump wanting to build a wall is really dumb. I'm just going to be hopeful and hope Trump doesn't mess up too much though.

This will probably be the last thing I say about the matter. I wish the US best of luck in the future.
Every so often you get a character who is not a major player in their own series but is so popular that they have surpassed their own franchise and gone on to more of an iconic level. Ashley the witch from the WarioWarefranchise is one of these characters.

I really love how they put it, couldn't have said it better myself.


I hope she's in Smash 5, or even Smash switch. :3
As far as I know, theres no serious problem with illegal immigrants entering the nation from the Canadian border : p

It is a problem with the Mexican border, though.

And besides being a huge freaking job, I dont think its as a ridiculous idea as others would like you to believe. Dunno if its something hes really gonna be able to do, though.
As far as I know, theres no serious problem with illegal immigrants entering the nation from the Canadian border : p

It is a problem with the Mexican border, though.

And besides being a huge freaking job, I dont think its as a ridiculous idea as others would like you to believe. Dunno if its something hes really gonna be able to do, though.
it'd create short term employment, on the bright side.
Oh yeah, I got the first Time Splitters, as a recommendation from a friend of mine : p Am hoping I like it, he says it has a good death match and capture the flag mode to it. I did read that you can create your own maps to play on though, that sounds pretty neat.

Ive also finally started playing Dragon Quest 8, its really really great, haha.
If I had to guess, it's about electing a duck for president.

Sounds like a pretty lacking story : p

I remember having to read a story about a kid who accidentally became rich by dropping a pickle in chocolate back in elementary school. I dont think I ever learned the lesson to that story : p still no idea what it was really even about : p
Man I'm so bored since the only thing keeping me entertained is mb2. Just waiting for that Switch and definitely waiting for a Wario game. I really hope we either get a new Wario Land game or just something new with Wario as the main character.