Smash Fridays

Every Friday beginning at 6 EST to 8!

Free for All


Subscriber Vs.

And more!

Streaming other games such as ---

  • Paper Mario
  • Wario Land 3 (blind)
  • Left 4 Dead 2
Streaming on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 6 EST to 8 (providing I'm not busy on those days.)

Let's watch Kyon : Paper Mario (N64) | Episode 1

...Coming 2017

Streaming seems to be picking up on this forum. I'm pretty glad, they can be pretty fun to watch and chat in.
i would've done some lets play's once i got a mic, except i dont have a capture card for other systems... or the personality.
it would probably be me either getting nervous or complaining a lot instead of having a sense of humor. and i really dislike how my voice sounds recorded :p

oh well, we got plenty of content here as is.
I now have a reason to buy these kind of vacuum.



Hmm... I've had my name changed multiple times from names like Hex Scout, to Avery, to Sithspit, to... ugh... regrettably Ashley the cruel witch, and to MSE-6 Mouse Droid. Each name is due to random things (except Hex) that I do. Sithspit is because on mb2, I play as a Reborn and constantly spam the laugh taunt and people who understand what sithspit means would understand why I use it. Avery from Skullgirls because the small Peacock needs some more love from the community. Although not entirely bad, I put Ashley because I thought it would be funny to pick a random character from the Wario series (this was before I knew of her popularity) and it ended with everyone now calling me Ashley everyday and being constantly bombarded with everyone playing Ashley's song whenever I play anything. And for our Lord and Savior, MSE-6 Mouse Droid, is because why not? Mouse Droid lives matter y'all!!!