The 90s- early 2000s style might just be because I have a really big soft spot in my heart for that emotional, moody and brooding sound that was really popular at the time, haha. Zach once said when asked how hed describe his sound-
"When called upon to define [his] style, Smith demurs before answering. "I don't know. Pretty with an edge? I don't necessarily know how to explain it. I like dark and brooding tones. I don't ever want my music to get too pretty. I like it to have an underlying rawness. Sugar coating on the top, evil underneath. How's that?
From his wikipedia page)
I dont feel my music is quite as dark as his can be, and I tend to go for a more "tragic" sound than an "evil" sound, I think. But other than that I think I identify with his style quite a bit, so I think that often reflects in my style, causing it to have a "dark and brooding" sound to it : p
(I always loved that "pretty with an edge" description, I use it alot too : p)
As for changing the beat, I dunno? : p I guess it just depends on how it flows, like if it feels natural. Youll never hear me go full on prog or anything, as I strongly appreciate songs with a fluid flow to them.
And haha, I guess it kinda has a winter-y sound : p I was actually thinking more like a silent summer night, though. Theres a chord in that song that Ive been finding myself use alot lately. Its the one where I strum instead of the arpeggio, where I drop down on the finger on the highest string by a halfstep. I seem to really like that transition with that chord : p
I guess it would look like, if you could imagine having your index finger on the second string down from the top string, youd lay it flat down onto the string ben eath it to play the fret directly below that one, and then on the bottom string youd have your pinky one whole step over (a whole step is two frets), and the transition would just be sliding your pinky back towards your index finger half a step (one fret).
Heres a visual description that probly wont make any sense, haha : p
|----------D <---Just pretend thats a fretting hand on a bass guitar : p Youd move the pinky finger one fret over right next to the index finger : p
| |------G
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