So basically, there's this puppet guy named Ratafak Plachta (Big Nose Blanket) from a Czechoslovakian kids puppet show from the 80's who taught kids to question the communist government that was taking over. After the show ended in the 80's all the puppets got thrown out, including him, but some guys found his puppet and made a creepy video with him. I thought those robbers still had him, but it turns out, Ratafak is safe and sound in a puppetry museum in Slovakia! Now he can live in peace forever!
Liberals LOVE to breath air.

You know who else loved to breath air?


Ah, yes. The age old guilt by association argument, aka Godwin's Law:

''Hitler [or any other widely disliked person] liked X, so X is inherently evil.
Wait, what do you say? There are countless other, nice, people who also like X? Well screw it, that's totally irrelevant!''