going off topic, i dont know how people can take CoD seriously.
*picked it up again, accidentally ricochet killed a spy plane, the server went haywire constantly, y'know, the usual*
I like cod, it is tasty.

i tried the metroid blastball demo.
first expectation: oh, so its like metroid prime hunters' multiplayer mode, right?
second expectation: oh good, the controls are crap unless you got the extra joystick, and the game is essentially space futbol. i got this free and i feel ripped off.
reality: YEEEEEEEAAAAHH Hoo Hoo Hoo weeeee-
Fun Fact, The controls are the exact same as the GameCube Prime games, so I got not a single problem with the controls since I pretty much already knew how to play at the start. I'm still very very cautious about the real game though and how it's story is. I heard it takes place literally just after Prime 3 Corruption, but that's about it.
I made 600$ and it's all to spend. What should I get? The PS4 had my eye for awhile, or a new computer to play better games? I was getting a new computer in the first place, maybe I can help my dad pay for an even better one.

Taking a few days off the internet really paid off, literally. Soon though I am going to have to worry about rent... :3
@Kyon Well a PS4 would be nice, but there really isn't much for me to recommend as of this moment. The few games that comes to mind are Uncharted 4 and the Nathan Drake Collection, Ratchet and Clank, and probably Little Big Planet if you want to have a fun creative game like Super Mario Maker. There isn't much that I could recommend, though there are many casual fps games like Call of Duty or Battlefield.

You can try to get a decent PC, or build one yourself. I would recommend building a PC if you don't want to waste a lot of money and you can always just add more things to it to make it strong enough to handle games like Star Wars Battlefront at the fullest settings. But then again, when you buy a PC, you wouldn't be left with enough to buy games for it till later on.

You can always use the money to help your family as well. You don't need everything to be happy and your family means a lot. I actually used more than 1000$ to get the PC I wanted for 4 years, but I used the other money I had to help out my family.
To my parents 600$ is but a few pennies, they don't need my help one bit. But I could buy them some gifts. or I could save it because I'm getting to that age where my parents will charge me rent until I can find my own place.
I made 600$ and it's all to spend. What should I get? The PS4 had my eye for awhile, or a new computer to play better games? I was getting a new computer in the first place, maybe I can help my dad pay for an even better one.

Taking a few days off the internet really paid off, literally. Soon though I am going to have to worry about rent... :3
thats lots of money all at once... where'd you get it? btw if you get a PC feel obligated free to friend me on steam and discord :3