The issue I take with fat acceptance is some people getting pissed off with and trying to make skinny people feel bad about being skinny.I hate when people think you are lower than them due to differing opinion.
I don't mean "FF 7 is da bes fukin pleb!!!!!!!!!!" Basically there are people try to help out and be good and that is great but sometimes there are those who think that there way is the right way and everyone is wrong and they do not even realize it.
Now this is a little controversial but i'm sure you know of The Fat Acceptance movement (look it up if your unfamiliar) So basically my friends cousin is a part of it and he told me to take part. You know i do NOT think the fat acceptance movement bad but i do not agree with them. I don't think you should make fun of fat people but real talk, If your legs are touching down to your legs, DO NOT EXPECT ME TO SAY YOU ARE BEUTIFUL.
Again do not discriminate them. But the fat acceptance movement encourages fat people which i think is not the way to go about it. Because of that i get labled as a douche. I mean come on just because my methods are different does not make me a bad guy. They say that i am being close minded when they are the close minded ones.
Sorry if this sound like a rant on TFAM but i needed an example.
I've always been of average or skinny build and it pisses me off when there's songs that tell skinny people "f- you" or others because you have a different body from them.