Going back to youtube again, I often like the watch videos of bass guitarists. And while most people are you know, normal human beings about it, sometimes you get people who say weird and dumb things. Like, I watched a video of a really good one yt bassist once, and people who watch his videos often like to leave him comments challenging him to do something by saying "very impressive, but what can you do with (ect ect)". And everynow and then you get someone who says like "very impressive, but what can you do with a guitar?" Like wow, arent you a funny guy : p He plays bass and youre making fun of him for not playing a more popular instrument, you clever thing, you : p
I see that alot in general with bassists, when you see a really good one theres at least one guy who says something along the lines "why not just play guitar?", yeah why waste your time working hard to become good at one instrument when you can do all that on an instrument that guy has deemed worthy? : p
And the worst are like people who throw fits about how people play their bass guitars, like bassists who do really cool harmonies and chord work, youll see one person who has to bash them for doing that, as if its just not allowed on bass guitar : p Theyre getting too good, so we better step in and put them in their place : p I also watched a live video of the two guys from Pinback playing a song where they both play bass guitar, and there were like multiple people saying like "THEYRE BOTH PLAYING BASS?!?!?" Haha I guess they couldnt comprehend this idea, was too much for them to process apparently : p
It seems like either snobby big headed guitarists, or people who resent the fact that they arent a musician, like to look down on bass guitarists, and want everyone else to do the same : p Such a loser thing to do, haha : p