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Friends... true friends...
I actually don't get any attention from my closer friends, so why should I?
I mean, I'm always trying to help, trying to please everyone, to be there for them, to listen to them, give advices, and most of the time, I sacrifice personal and productive time, all to listen to something that has nothing to do with me...
Last time I had a best friend, I needed someone for a change, and I ended up dealing with my problems alone. Now, we're like strangers, never talk. I can't do more than that...
So don't think there are true friends or best friends, just people that need attention and a few dinguses who are just too nice, give up their time to give said attention, and end up alone, expecting the same treatment when they need it...

Learn something from this: ALWAYS think about yourself first! Your life is way more important than any of "your friend's"...
Mother Teresa said:
People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.
Friends... true friends...
I actually don't get any attention from my closer friends, so why should I?
I mean, I'm always trying to help, trying to please everyone, to be there for them, to listen to them, give advices, and most of the time, I sacrifice personal and productive time, all to listen to something that has nothing to do with me...
Last time I had a best friend, I needed someone for a change, and I ended up dealing with my problems alone. Now, we're like strangers, never talk. I can't do more than that...
So don't think there are true friends or best friends, just people that need attention and a few dinguses who are just too nice, give up their time to give said attention, and end up alone, expecting the same treatment when they need it...

Learn something from this: ALWAYS think about yourself first! Your life is way more important than any of "your friend's"...

There is a possibility that the time you needed a friend, your friend was going through a hard time too. I know in my life, there are times when my best friend is there for me, but there are times hes busy or dealing with his own issues, and doesnt really have the time or ability to help me with my problems. Sometimes we have to deal with problems on our own, theres not always someone there to help you through them.

Theres also a need to voice your problems to your friend s : p Like you may have to specifically ask them to help : p And sometimes your friends may not have the advice your wanting to hear. Its a combination of different possibilities. There may be people who just want attention (which is true for all of us to some extent anyway) but there are definitely good reasons to keep friends, and to seek help when you need it. Thinking of yourself first is never the right path : p
There is a possibility that the time you needed a friend, your friend was going through a hard time too. I know in my life, there are times when my best friend is there for me, but there are times hes busy or dealing with his own issues, and doesnt really have the time or ability to help me with my problems. Sometimes we have to deal with problems on our own, theres not always someone there to help you through them.

Theres also a need to voice your problems to your friend s : p Like you may have to specifically ask them to help : p And sometimes your friends may not have the advice your wanting to hear. Its a combination of different possibilities. There may be people who just want attention (which is true for all of us to some extent anyway) but there are definitely good reasons to keep friends, and to seek help when you need it. Thinking of yourself first is never the right path : p

You're right, all those are real reasons, but I can recognize them.
I wouldn't place that post if I didn't experience it over and over, I got slapped in the face too many times...
I know and understand when my friends are not available or have a though time themselves. Geez, even when I feel like crap, I am there to help them... no one ever did that too me long enough for me to say I have friends.
I not talking about you guys, I referring to close friends, next to me, that even if I don't contact everyday, I know I can talk to them.
Never again will I call someone "best friend" to be stabbed in the back... never...
Sorry, I know it's dumb, but I suffered enough.

And yes, MonaWare, think about yourself first. If you don't, people will do of you whatever they want. You'll lose yourself... I almost became someone I'm not.
People need to like you for what you are, not what they want you to be, because then they're not your friends, they're your social mask's friends...
It doesn't hurt to have time to yourself, I normally like being alone so I can watch my videos, but it also doesn't hurt to be around my family, though it can hurt if my sister punches me like she always does, lol.

Also I had Bayontta in smash bros, worst character in the history of smash, that dumbass 0 to death combo she has can be pulled off by pretty much anyone, even I did it once but I mainly stick with Mario.
The last 2 characters (Bay and Corrin.) are the worst things to happen to smash bros, like come on! Should have stopped at Cloud or at least have other good characters, not a 100th FE character and a combo character that can kill you at 0% if she gets that one easy hit.
Another rant : I hate how people won't talk to me about the things I wanna talk about, like really! What the hell?! it gets me real angry, to the point of writing out this rant! OMG, people.
The last 2 characters (Bay and Corrin.) are the worst things to happen to smash bros, like come on! Should have stopped at Cloud or at least have other good characters, not a 100th FE character and a combo character that can kill you at 0% if she gets that one easy hit.

I don't play Smash Bros anymore, but when I watch my brother play, it's exactly as you describe. One moment he'll be wasting a really poor player a dozen times, then next second they'll whip out Bayonetta or Corrin and absolutely crush him! I'm glad I stopped playing before those two were added to the board. Something about Smash rubs me the wrong way. I never get angry with other fighting games/brawlers. I don't know what it is....
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