
i always wondered what people thought of me, since no one really says anything.
dont know if life of the party or drunken ceiling chair. or maybe just the boring guy in the corner.

Actually, as far as someone I only have contact through occasional posts on a forum, youre way cool : p

I like you alot, should stay a part of this forum. 6
Actually, as far as someone I only have contact through occasional posts on a forum, youre way cool : p

I like you alot, should stay a part of this forum. 6

thats the second time this has happened to me here. Theres a 6^ at the end of the last sentence there. My hands werent anywhere near a 6.

Yesterday in Juans greeting thread my post to him had a j on the bottom of it.

I have no idea whats going on here.
Also that time you linked Dragon's page for no reason, though debunked it was pretty funny, maybe something possessed your keyboard.

Haha oh yeah! I forgot about that, that legit freaked me out : p I think I even accused you of messing with my post somehow : p

I had a thought just now. Does Magma ever give funny ratings? Like Ive gotten some likes and agrees from him, never a funny rating though. Dont think Ive ever seen one from him either : p
aw thanks, i dont really get that too often. or at all. you seem like a really nice person too.

Well, whatever site is taking up your time online, you should ditch it and make this your top site : p

Actually, sadly this site has kinda become my top visited site. I mean not that I dont like this site : p But I dont really have alot going on online anymore : p
My most visited website is Wario Forums to, but only due to this computer being crap, this is like the only site it can handle, lol. before my most visited sites were YouTube, Google, DA, hangouts, etc.
My most visited website is Wario Forums to, but only due to this computer being crap, this is like the only site it can handle, lol. before my most visited sites were YouTube, Google, DA, hangouts, etc.

Oh yeah, I do spend alot of time on youtube.

I actually even comment alot, and take part in discussions in comment sections. I mean I have spoken out against the people in yt comment sections here before but I still do it : p
Haha, thats especially true with me if I ever watch wrestling or video game related videos : p

(not that I watch many wrestling videos. I do sometimes though)
I almost never comment on YT anymore, yet people still know who I am. Once and awhile I'll run to some of the same people, it's funny. I had the same icon for over two years now, or a year and a half. So people remember me when they see the icon and Ashley Channel

Can't say the same for anywhere else though, I change my icon a lot every week, every day, every few hours. lol