Yeah, it happened a few weeks ago. It was my favorite type of pizza no less, how could I make such a mistake?! lesson learned, take your time going up the stairs if you have pizza.
Whooo, 20 dumb ratings! at this rate I'll be the newest most hated user, which is a given - I was pretty much the most hated everywhere I went, aside from Google plus, people like me there and on DA. Chat heavy sites people tend to hate me.
Ratings are the only determining factor for a person's merit. Orbulondiy::
Though DA could be full of weird art, it's still the only place I'm able to show off what I make, lol. Google plus is also a good place.
Tumblr's default layouts are also great for laying out artwork. You also have more freedom on highlighting what you want seen through tags and personal page customization.

Also better quality Ashley artwork is there but shhhhhhh I didn't say anything

I just added Ashley to my Smash 4 roster! Yahhhh! OMG, dreams do come true! It goes over ness, I can't post my own screen shows, I'm already console banned on wii u so here's the preview image the uploader made.

It's amazing! sadly I cannot go online as ness anymore, but I don't care, I don't play as him anyways.

Yay! Ashley mod! ^^
This legit is the only fun mod I can find, and it is Ashley no less! The other mods are just colour swaps and making models look fatter, but this! this is awesome! Ashley mod for the win! >:3
Where the Orbulon smash mod? Imagine if they do the mod over Fox or something, high speed kickin' fiend alien. They could also overwork his final smash instead of land master you could have Orbulon's oinker pop out and start ramming into other fighters.
Where the Orbulon smash mod? Imagine if they do the mod over Fox or something, high speed kickin' fiend alien. They could also overwork his final smash instead of land master you could have Orbulon's oinker pop out and start ramming into other fighters.
If it's not in existence now, I really want it to be.
As of now it's just rigging the model to have the same bone as other characters, later on we'll eventually have middle where they'll have their own bones and animations.