Glad you do, it's a funny sounding name atleast to me.

I like it that way, it has like.... a more welcome feeling to it. Like it makes you feel more uhhh friendly and junk. Its better than like a dark and scary name, like Damien or Nathaniel or something weird like that : p Is a good name.
no because im ugly

jk I'm just surprised how I can get people's trust without them ever knowing my name or what I look like. Not that I have any malicious intentions.
Nathaniel/Nate just makes me think of that dude Magma mentioned who's crazy about Wario. Remember he blocked the will of Ike's in his school brawl tourney using Wario.
Nathaniel/Nate just makes me think of that dude Magma mentioned who's crazy about Wario. Remember he blocked the will of Ike's in his school brawl tourney using Wario.

The name Nathaniel makes me think of every goth girl I knew in high school ever : p
The name Nathaniel makes me think of every goth girl I knew in high school ever : p

Goth chicks you say?
