Ive always thought that using your own picture as an avatar on a forum was a really tacky thing to do : p Besides, I like the idea of people imaging me as Helga Pataki, haha : p
Id like to know the names of everyone on this forum : p

Im currently working on figuring out one of them, actually. He hasnt given me any clues though, so Im gonna have to just guess through every name : p

Oh well apparently his name doesnt start with an A so thats a start : p
Figuring out one of them? Well wonder who's name that could be, not sure if anyone has ever said their names or not on here. It sounds fun to guess, something like being Professor Layton type situation. Except you know with names instead of puzzles.
Figuring out one of them? Well wonder who's name that could be, not sure if anyone has ever said their names or not on here. It sounds fun to guess, something like being Professor Layton type situation. Except you know with names instead of puzzles.

Well if you give me a hint I could try : p

(hint: mine starts with a J and you havent seen it already)
Well if you give me a hint I could try : p

(hint: mine starts with a J and you havent seen it already)


Thats a scary picture >.>

Oh Metal, do you have an English name?
I have a feeling your name starts with an R or M, dunno if Im right though : p

Scary picture?...

Also sadly no but I'll give you a big hint I share the same name as a Sesame Street character so yeah its an English name.