Everything in that looked fine, but then I spotted Sly and went "Never again will I be tortured by another Sly main." If you think people spamming counter as any of the Fire Emblem characters was bad, Sly players does it worse.
(I have a feeling people dont like the disagree rating)

And I like using the friendly rating as more of a heart than a friendly rating. Like, when someone says they had a hard day or whatever, I like to use it as more of a like "awww, there there" kinda thing : p Dunno if people get it, though : p
I actually just got (yet another) dumb rating from CMV.

Im enraged D : <

Though for the most part I generally dont care. I dont mind disagree ratings, cuz its just that, its just saying "I dont agree" which is in no way mean : p If someone were to tell me they think (random choice) Bubsy 3d were the greatest game ever made, I wouldnt agree : p That wouldnt mean I hated them or anything, it would just mean I feel differently than they do : p
Yo Playing as Lloyd and Ruto would be great. Especially since she is playable in Hyrule Warriors' I see why not they could use that as a moveset. Lloyd deserves better than just a costume for the miis in smash.
Ruto is the only character I got to play HW with and I loved it : p She was way cool. Definitely had fun with it. And yeah, I think they could bring that into SSMB too.

And haha yeah! ToS did really well on Gamecube, its like the best JPRG on the system, and like a part of the top ten gamecube game lists for tons of people : p It should totally be in SSMB. Plus the battle system for ToS is like the exact same thing as SSMB so theyd fit really well : p