Uhhh, well if you want to know the truth I'll PM you, otherwise it settled down a tiny bit.

Also note to self : Don't make jokes or funny pictures, people hate that stuff nowadays. Unless they want a reason to dislike me.
in my defense I tried to stay away from Metal, but still the dumb rating of shame. I'm doing my best not to offend anybody, say none dumb things, etc. Things have not cleared as much as I hoped. :ashleyside: ...
Still rating your posts dumb? I guess he meant it when he told me he'll rate all your posts dumb when given the opportunity. It's all my fault, I should have been nicer, maybe then I could have ended it.
It's not your fault, Ash-wee. I shouldn't have asked you to help me out, sometimes I just need to fight my own battles....UNLESS IT GETS OUT OF HAND, I'LL ASK FOR HELP FROM A FRIEND OR TWO FROM NOW ON!

But yeah, it's scary nowadays to stay on WF. It's kind of turning out to be like that one chat I was on, but the people here don't talk about d***'s every 20 minutes
I hope that your problems with Metal will settle down, for now try to deal with them the best you can, Kyon. Remember I'm usually not online, so don't always count on me to help you, I'm not saying I won't help, i'll certainly help if I can.
Don't be sorry, people just happen to dislike me a lot. It happens a lot anyways, on other sites I've been called names, been mocked and often got hate messages. I thought it would never happen here, but that person joined the site, now it's gonna end up like the rest of the sites. Me losing a site I loved to spend my time on.