While I don't really put my faith into any God or Gods I am pretty open minded. I am respectful other religious views and have a lot of respect for people who take their faith seriously.
atheists are like, not afraid of anything such as hell, so they do all sorts of bad things...as I heard.
Being an atheist just means that the individual in question believes that no deity exists. This doesn't inherently lead people to do bad things, and there are just as many atheists who do good things as there are religious people who do bad things.
I normally try to avoid discussing religion on the internet. That's generally a good rule of thumb. Fortunately, we've managed to keep things civil and open-minded here.
did you that know homosexuality wasnt against the bible?

well, except for leviticus, old testament. but it was also sinful to wear mixed linen, eat unhoofed meat or shellfish, and to talk to your parents in any form of disagreement, etc.

Naw, I'm not like those people who say "my religion is better!" --- Ummm, is that what they say? I'm not sure, I never got myself into religion wars, nor have i ever talked about religion since...ever.

The most funniest thing I've read though was "Popcorn is fake *grabs god.*"
Yeah, people usually pick and choose what they want from the bible. Saying that homosexuality is a sin while ignoring the other things.
i would mention westboro, but we already know the result of that.

anyway, my dad got DOOM for himself, but im sneaking in a playthrough.