The Smash Bros. series' trophy descriptions say they're more akin to golems rather than zombies. The trophy descriptions are also very unreliable, though, so it doesn't really prove anything.

That Redead trophy in SSB Melee is completely flawed. It ignores the poem inscribed next to the Sun's Song, and the warnings in the royal tomb:

"The rising sun will eventually set, A newborn's life will fade. From sun to moon, moon to sun... Give peaceful rest to the living dead."
"Those who break into the Royal Tomb will be obstructed by the lurkers in the dark…"
"Shine light on the living dead..."

This is long before Ganondorf's corruption of the world, too. Kakariko's Graveyard and The Bottom of the Well are filled with tombs of Redeads and Gibdos in coffins.
Of course, I really stopped trusting those SSB trophies after reading that King K. Rool and Kaptain K. Rool were "brothers"....
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I know, I'm sorry. It's just, thinking about it really bothers me. I'm not sure on how to explain it, just makes me unsettled. I haven't spoken to my parents about it, if they knew they'd freak and cut me from the computer for a good month or two. worst-case scenario is limiting me to just Facebook and YouTube. (Youtube without account.)
I've been thinking about how childish I've been acting lately, I'm not usually like this. I'm pretty certain it was because of that creep, I don't normally get older men wanting to kiss me so I didn't know how to react. I'll still be around and I'll do my best to talk more about Wario if I can.
lol, just relax and enjoy the arma memes.

or not...
I'd believe it wasn't serious if he just said "Oh, I'm sorry I had no idea about your age" or something along those lines, not reply with a creepy image that spoke "Baby I know you're 14". The best I can do is avoid him. I'll try to relax, so what are we talking about today? based on what I'm seeing we're talking about call of duty?
I don't know either of those, sorry. I'm not into games about war, my mom says it can put bad thoughts into my head...I know it sounds dumb, but I have to listen to her.
Well back then my mom tried to drill all that sort of stuff into my head. Nowadays my beliefs are more...ambiguous.
I was gonna say I believe the Luigi gods but acting silly got me in some bad spots. Real talk, I think my family believes some sort of creator, but for me I believe when I die I get to choose witch life I wanna choose to be in next. :3

For E.g, I can be anyone or anything! any timeline, any type of person. Anything I could ever want!