

Kumatora would be really cool but I don't know if there's much moveset potential left because of Lucas taking her PK moves.
They could always just have her borrow other abilitys like PK Beam and 4th D Slip from Mother 1, Ness and Lucas already borrow moves from other characters, so it's not like it's impossible.

Personally I'd like to see Ninten above anything else, but I support any potential third Mother character and you can bet that Kumatora is high up as someone I'd love to see become playable.
I'd rather see Ana using Ninten's moves than Kumatora. It just wouldn't make sense. If Ninten would be in the game I hope he would work drastically different from Ness and Lucas. No PK Thunder, PK Magnet and PK Fire repeats please.
Speaking about Ninten, I've always wondered why fan art shows him wearing a scarf. Nothing in-game suggests he's wearing one and the official clay model doesn't wear one either. It's probably to make Ness and Ninten look less similar but if they want to do that why add a scarf and not something else?
It's because that's what he looked like in the Mother 1 commercial :

That's where the scarf, belt and shirt stripe color pattern that you see in Fan Art come from.
should i get the new 3ds? honestly, i dont a lot of interesting games for either the 3ds or wii u, but there might be that chance they'll make a few arrangements.
should i get the new 3ds? honestly, i dont a lot of interesting games for either the 3ds or wii u, but there might be that chance they'll make a few arrangements.

I got one a few months ago because my old 3ds was falling apart and I planned to play Animal Crossing and Mario Kart 7 again..... I only used it for a few hours so far, so be sure there's games you know you'll play. 3ds is also nearing the end of its cycle, so there won't be many 3ds games next year.
My online poll was a close one. 452 voters, Ashley won by 67 votes, Syrup in 2nd and in 3rd was...oh, 9 volt!

I make a lot of polls, just to see what kind of votes will be. One time, as a joke I posted "Vote for Smash! Ignore for playstation allstars battle royale" and got a total of around 700 votes. only 18 peole voted for PS battle. (This was on a Nintendo community, so is why Smash won by a huge landslide.) :3
I have a feeling that the nose variant is probably the original before people started dropping it since I notice really old stuff I find from the internet tends to have nose smileys. I also notice it's mostly relatively older people who use noses.
I know someone who's 18 and uses nose smileys, but it's probably because of how annoying it is to type a smiley face and have it turn into an emoji.