The Last Guardian and freaking complete remasters from the ground up of the first 3 Crash Bandicoot games are the only things that caught my attention in Sony's conference. Mostly Call of Duty crap and zombie games as usual. And the modern Final Fantasy games look more like GTA than Final fantasy :/
Did my first mod on Smash bros wii u and I gotta say not bad. Not too hard, I remember each thing I gotta do, it's as simple as Brawl modding, but not as good. Now all I need to wait for is the Ashley mod and I'm 100% back to smash!
I can die in peace with the new Quake being announced. I waited so long for a new Quake game.

Quake. Now there's a name I haven't heard from in forever. Is the new one been handled with care by the same fellas? What I hate most is when an old dead/dormant franchise is given the kiss of life by a completely new person (or team) who put their own tastes and agendas before being faithful. It's a constant worry of mine.
Nintendo's E3 better be hype, I might just even wake up early to watch it, a big might though. Zelda never really gets be hyped, only Mario related titles, like if they out right dropped Mario Galaxy 3 I will legit cry. I need my Mario games, man! I just need them.
REPOST: I love those little rainbow ratings, I reckon their my favourite. What do they mean, anyway? I'm not quite sure how optimism can be a "rating". I'm still very new to forum basics, so any help would be greatly appreciated! It is a bit embarrassing for me but please be gentle!

Friendly hearts are the best, though agree/disagree are the most fun : p

And I dunno, I imagine they kinda mean something different to everyone : p Like I use them in my own way that probly doesnt make sense to everyone, Im sure : p
ALSO A REPOST: I like coming up with my own meanings for the ratings, like with the optimism one, I think of it as like hopeful, or like "you can do it" or whatever : p With the friendly rating (heart) I like to use it as like "aw poor you" or like "youre way nice, cheer up" kinda thing : p I like the heart the best, though I have the most fun with the agree/disagree ratings : p
ALSO A REPOST: I like coming up with my own meanings for the ratings, like with the optimism one, I think of it as like hopeful, or like "you can do it" or whatever : p With the friendly rating (heart) I like to use it as like "aw poor you" or like "youre way nice, cheer up" kinda thing : p I like the heart the best, though I have the most fun with the agree/disagree ratings : p

Agreed. So far I've received three rainbows: one from Magma, one from Metal, and one from Mona.
I'm a very optimistic person, so I think perhaps I'll start thanking the person everytime I receive a rainbow!