Didnt know Metal was a Dio fan : p

No but others has voices and new weapons, game is called Breath of the wild.

"The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild"....? I don't really think that meshes with the "Legend of Zelda" name, let alone a major modern-day fantasy game.
"Breath of the Wild" sounds more like a title you'd find on a dusty old novel in the library or attic (and not a medieval fantasy novel, either). What do you good folks think?

It reminds me of old book titles like The Call of the Wild.
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It looks nice so far and the name really isn't important as long as it looks and plays well. So far it's just people getting crazy over pokemon camera angles and yungoos.

How 'bout that Zelda: Skyrim Edition.

Aside from looking nice it really does not remind me or look anything like a Zelda game.
Even comparing it to the latest game in the series, Skyward Sword, that managed to keep the Zelda look even if it became really stylistic.
This one tries to look more fantasy oriented exactly just like Elder Scrolls which isn't really Zelda, since Zelda is all about the action and adventure being progressed as you meet up with various folk.
Well, if you weren't aware MARIO PARTY is like, the best game to play! the mini-games are just fun to play, every each one of them. Trust me, I've played every Mario Party mini game to date...well maybe not ALL, but a whole lot across the games. Regardless if the car is back or not, my family had a lot of fun with 10, which I thought would suck.
Well, if you weren't aware MARIO PARTY is like, the best game to play! the mini-games are just fun to play, every each one of them. Trust me, I've played every Mario Party mini game to date...well maybe not ALL, but a whole lot across the games. Regardless if the car is back or not, my family had a lot of fun with 10, which I thought would suck.
it seems like monopoly:
its more fun when you have a lot of people who want to play.
also, it pretty much turns into a nuclear arms race one someone hits that specific space.