Technically. He
technically has his ground pound. ...except he doesn't pound the ground with it. He pounds a grabbed enemy. You can't use it the way you would in the game. The esthetic of the move is there but not the function. He
technically also had his charge attack....except he didn't charge with it (unless you wanna count moving an inch as charging). Again, the esthetic is there but not the function.
But you know what? It DID have the function there when you were Wario-Man which was actually really friggin awesome. I loved that!
But..... now he doesn't even have that anymore.
I'll say this tho, overall, his moves in Brawl weren't completely awful. The biggest problem I have with it is the Waft. Mainly for the flanderization aspect. The other moves are ok and I do like playing with him.
If they made a few adjustments like replacing his dash attack with his charge attack (a functional version) and maybe adding the piledriver as a throw (and replacing the Waft with.... anything, really) then I would be totally ok with it.
A lot of my frustration comes from different places, not just his moveset. Like, why doesn't he have a victory animation inspired by Wario Land? Over the course of the series he does so many different poses, animations, quotes, etc. which would fit perfectly! ...but instead we get one where he smells his farts.

It's the mountains of missed potential that bothers me. It also doesn't help that there's no Wario Land stage, stage music, trophy, sticker, assist trophy to be found in the entire game.
And then when they finally added a Wario Land song in Smash 4...... it wasn't even a remix.
Don't even get me started on the fact they removed a bunch of his outfits.
Rest in peace WL3 color scheme.
But don't let any of that bother you. If you think it's a great moveset, GOOD! I'm happy for you! Don't let the fact that I'm not happy with it bother you. At the end of the day it's just an opinion. Not everyone can have as much love for the Wario Land series as me. I would've liked it differently. So what? I'm just some guy.
It's not like my opinion could ever influence Sakurai's decisions. If he wants to make Wario all about farts in his game, who am I to argue? If he wants to remove a character's trademark move why should it bother anyone else?
I'll just go and play Project M. They have a great moveset for Wario.

...oh wait, I have a european Wii...
Hahahahah. That's funny.

Hahahaha. Hahahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHA.