Unpopular Video Game Opinions

Yeah I feel like it's one of those games that gets harder to enjoy outside of nostalgia due to one being spoiled by the later games.
especially when gen 3 came out and overhauled the stats of how pokemon work, the polish and of course, focus energy actually works (i don't remember if they fixed it in gen 2).
(Switching the topic...) Sonic 1 was the worst Sonic game,Sonic 06 had the glitches which could be used to break the game,most of which are pretty simple,it makes it fun. Sonic Boom has a glitch that makes the game end early! That's the only good thing about Sonic Boom besides the TV show...
Sonic 1 is slow and boring. The only times you can go fast with out something hitting you is in Green Hill Zone,and Starlight Zone. Even then you'll still get hit in Starlight zone...so,meh.
I thought the uh invisibility hat in SM64 was a real bummer : p Like the first two were way exciting, flying hat, then metal hat. I remember being way excited to see what the third one would be, of course it would have to be the best one.

Surprise, its the ability to run through certain walls. How totally not disappointing at all : p

I dunno if thats an unpopular opinion, but it just came to mind : p

This is how the invisibility hat in SM64 should have been

Dragon Quest > Final Fantasy.
I know DQ is more popular in japan but i don't care. By the by i talk more about FF cause i love video game music and i think FF has better music and people are just plain unintrested in DQ if i bring it up, That's not to say FF is inferior because i love FF.
Considering how overblown fanart is on the internet, especially female fanart, the impression I get is that my view is unpopular. Outside of the internet that's not the case I would say at least.
Ugh I hate the fan art of characters I like : p Over half of it is pervy. Is really lame.

Either that or its them as like really fat, which Im sure is perverted too : /
I love pervy fanart, and I'm glad people are able to draw it... even if I didn't enjoy it, I'd still rather have it around than not, because I just like art!

Shifting gears for a second, I, like, LOVE Mario Party Advance. I know it's not really a great game. I know it's an ultra poor representation of it's series. But the NPCs really make it for me! Mr. E, the giant eyeball guy who had a crush on Peach, the Toad Force V fan club - I'm so sad that those guys never showed up again. Even Bowser slays me with every line of dialogue... there's this one part where he awkwardly asks you to buy a diamond ring for him. Like, what!? Why would Bowser ask me to do that!? I love it.

A lot of the minigames really sucked, though. I've owned the game for over a decade and I still can't beat Monkey Sea! to save my life.
Real talk - why do people have a problem with fanart of sexualized women, but many less people (or perhaps the same amount of people, but less vocal) have a problem with fanart of sexualized men? I mean, if I wanted to be presumptuous, I'd say the issue wouldn't be with sexualization at all...

How many times can I type "sexualization" in this post? Answer: A LOT !
Real talk - why do people have a problem with fanart of sexualized women, but many less people (or perhaps the same amount of people, but less vocal) have a problem with fanart of sexualized men? I mean, if I wanted to be presumptuous, I'd say the issue wouldn't be with sexualization at all...

How many times can I type "sexualization" in this post? Answer: A LOT !

Id imagine because its not as common. Im gonna use pro wrestling as an example. Watch an entire wrestling show, watch the mens matches and then the one womens match, and tell me which one was more sexualized : p
Watch an entire wrestling show, watch the mens matches and then the one womens match, and tell me which one was more sexualized : p
I don't recall the last time I saw a wrestling match where the women showed more skin than the men...