What do you love to drink?

My mainstays are water, tea, coffee, and juice. I can't drink any soda because I'm extremely sensitive to the carbonation and the flavorings make me sick to my stomach.

I used to drink 2 cups of coffee a day, but I ran into some digestion issues recently that's made me have to cut down. Now I have some as a treat every couple of days.

I'm also allergic to energy drinks (bad vomiting and rash breakouts), so no Monsters for me.

I drink booze occasionally but I only really do so for my birthday and holidays.
I recently learned that I love pineapple juice, and anything with coconut. I havent tried coconut water yet, though : p But at work we have pineapple coconut water and I want it : p I have been drinking alot of like coconut soda and juices lately, though. Theyre really good.

Oh and I like aloe drink, but only the fruity kind. So far Ive had mango and pineapple, theyre really great too : p
-Cola (occasionally)

I decided to drop beer for a while. I've been trying different brands of coffee and I've been loving them all. :love:
@Magma Ive been having that same problem, like soda is actually starting to taste bland and sticky to me now. Is a bummer : ( GOnna have to find a new and healther beverage.

@Ninja_Cat Im dealing with the same thing : p Ive actually become way too fat now, am pretty sad and ashamed : ( Im sure soda has alot to do with it.
My restraint has gone and I've been drinking too much pepsi. Maybe I should get a pepsi tattoo.

Get a tattoo of Pepsiman. Then celebrate the occasion with a long, chilled glass of Pepsi.