What's something weird that's pleasing to your senses.

So in the latrine i got this mirror above the sink which is made up of three mirrors (so you can use the drawers behind it) and sometimes when i'm in the mirror i like taking the left and right mirror and make them face each other, then i stick my face in between and look left or right so i can stare at reflections on top of reflections. Its like an endless amount of mirror worlds.

At first glance it just looks like a triple reflection which is cool but the more you stare the deeper the reflections go and the mirrors get so tiny. and with the way the mirrors are set up when i look forward i can see myself from all different angles.

I don't know why i get so much enjoyment out of this.

Mirrors are cool, right?
Stars. I'm not talking about the stellar bodies, (though these can be stunning as well) but about the geometrical shapes. You can make all sorts of beautiful patterns with them, and they are also quite easy to construct with some basic tools, like I did for my profile pic. It may seem boring, but for me, it's such fun.
Stars. I'm not talking about the stellar bodies, (though these can be stunning as well) but about the geometrical shapes. You can make all sorts of beautiful patterns with them, and they are also quite easy to construct with some basic tools, like I did for my profile pic. It may seem boring, but for me, it's such fun.

White combined with a light blue or greenish colour, like in this beauty, a 1957 Chevrolet Bel air.
The colour scheme of an off-white tone combined with blue, red, light green or brown was actually fairly popular in the 1950's and 60's, and not only for cars.
¨Tech porn.¨ No, I don't mean sexy robots or sex machines, I'm talking about technological and industrial installations that can look really mesmerising and are awesome to look at. The control room of this old power station would be a good example.

This is also the reason why I love the Curious Factory and 40 Below Fridge so much. :thecuriousfactory::40belowbrr: