still that guy.
lol i listened to rap once. the title was literally n***a. after that, i couldnt take it seriously.
Meanwhile in a parallel universe
Everyone on Wario Forums won't stop talking about Ashley and I'm annoyed of it wanting the other ware characters to get some love.
Meanwhile in a parallel universe
The letter 'W' and 'M' never existed
Person 1 : I sure love Ario! he's I favorite!
Person 2 : Which one? The yellow or red one?
Meanwhile in a parallel universe
Ashley is a big fan of Kyon. (lol.)
Meanwhile in a parallel universe
Magma is SmallMagma, MonaWare is AshleyWare, BlueJackG is RedJakeH, Kyon is Haruhi. GlowSquid is DimOctopus. Lol
Not every comeback is good, but hey, better then any reboot from Cartoon Network.
Did you just say... "reboot from Cartoon Network"?