What are your unique talents?

I play bass guitar and write my own music. Ive also been working on writing my own lyrics and singing while playing, which Im getting better at and more confident with. Im not really like a real good singer, though : p I have like ten songs I wanna record and make an album with here soonish : p Am super excited. Gonna do my album cover art myself btw : p Would give you guys copies of it if it were possible : p

I can also raise my left eyebrow, like the Rock : p

And I can move my ears up and down.

Annnnd I can make hand fart noises with my hands : p

@Juan Schwartz you should join my band!
I know,just something clicked into my head then. =P I just thought that was cool how I had the idea part down and Ninja had the writing part down.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

I play bass guitar and write my own music. Ive also been working on writing my own lyrics and singing while playing, which Im getting better at and more confident with. Im not really like a real good singer, though : p I have like ten songs I wanna record and make an album with here soonish : p Am super excited. Gonna do my album cover art myself btw : p Would give you guys copies of it if it were possible : p
Physical media is dying unfortunately. You could always send people music digitally.
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I'm a Jiang-shi

How do you type anything with all that hopping around killing people and junk?
I'm not too shabby with creativity. I draw, compose music, write comedy and horror stories, try to animate, voice act etc.

I received two art awards back in school. The first was for a water colour painting I did in primary/elementary school. The second award was by accident in high school.

Funny story - One day I was bored and just sketching Donkey Kong Land stuff in art class. Just throwaway doodling, you know.
Years later I was passing an art exhibition, when suddenly I saw my random throwaway doodle on display. My art teacher had somehow got it and submitted it without telling me. I was summoned in front of the school to receive an award. VERY embarrassing. If I knew that would happen, I would have put some EFFORT in, damn it!
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I'm not too shabby with creativity. I draw, compose music, write comedy and horror stories, try to animate, voice act etc.

I received two art awards back in school. The first was for a water colour painting I did in primary/elementary school. The second award was by accident in high school.

Funny story - One day I was bored and just sketching Donkey Kong Land stuff in art class. Just throwaway doodling, you know.
Years later I was passing an art exhibition, when suddenly I saw my random throwaway doodle on display. My art teacher had somehow got it and submitted it without telling me. I was summoned in front of the school to receive an award. VERY embarrassing. If I knew that would happen, I would have put some EFFORT in, damn it!
That's awesome. I love drawing but I have no natural talent and pretty much have to try really hard and frequently to produce something halfway decent. I always wanted to get my stuff frok art class hung up in the weekly art gallery in the hallway...
That's awesome. I love drawing but I have no natural talent and pretty much have to try really hard and frequently to produce something halfway decent. I always wanted to get my stuff frok art class hung up in the weekly art gallery in the hallway...

Ah well. If you're determined and passionate about drawing, never, never stop. Sketch whenever you can. You got some free time? Lying on the couch bored? Sketch the living room. Sketch while you're on the toilet. Sketch your dinner. This wisdom was given to me by my old drawing teacher at university. Natural talent or not, you will improve with practice.
I'm too much of a self-loathing perfectionist when it comes to stuff I create.
That probably doesn't count as a talent though.
i used to be really good with an instrument, but i eventually gave it up for a while.
its not that i dont like playing, but i feel scared to pick it up again, and it also wears me down quickly...
so now im a master of troll-fu!
but i really want to be able to play again someday. my family seems to be good in the arts, especially music.
I've been playing piano for many years, since I was 9 (or was it 10? Bah, I'm so forgetful these days...). I refused to take lessons and taught myself to play music by ear. My piano playing has improved greatly over the years, but I still am not a master. My focus is now on creating music anyway, so I only play on the piano to brainstorm.

More recently, I've taken an interest in character design and spriting (making pixel art). I'm still an amateur artist, so I don't consider it a real skill, but it's worth mentioning.
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