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  • Sigh. Sometimes it feels all the world's issues come from how the most skilled people tend to be the least ambitious ones, and ambitious ideas are thought up by those with no ability to pull them off. Wish it was flipped.
    • Agree
    Reactions: Just a Wario Fan
    The 3rd Wario Brother
    The 3rd Wario Brother
    Some people are smart, some are skilled. As social creatures we are to come together and realize our potential. Our biggest weakness is not being able to settle our differences.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    Ever heard of the phrase ¨For every genius, there are 10,000 idiots¨? Well, that could explain a lot. There are many people with good ideas, but unfortunately, they are often overwhelmed by the stupid.
    Am I the only one who's conflicted about what to do about negative news on social media?
    I want to acknowledge it, but it always feels wrong to 'like' a post about someone's death or what not.
    Well, I feel in that case it's more saying "I care about this person" when you use a like in that fashion.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just show them your genuine respect by writing a message, and don't rate at all.
    Objective fact: Every Wario game has a better soundtrack than the likes of New Super Mario Bros. Games journalists who disagree are just wrong.
    Did the Smash Wiki literally crash just now? Cause it's really slow after the Direct...
    • Haha
    Reactions: MrLlort
    Smash fans just couldnt handle all that information.
    Holy crap, it actually happened. I'm a prophet this year! Wario Land can't be far behind!
    When I was young, I got really confused about the Mario movie, wondering why this weird cyberpunk thing was named after my favourite video game series. Honestly, I actually wondered if it was another Dennis the Menace situation at one point...
    WarioWare Gold is arguably the number 1 game people expected back in the early days of the 3DS. I mean come on, the console was always made for WarioWare, and it was just baffling how one wasn't released on it til now.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    But why though? Why didn't they release it earlier, when the 3DS was still fresh? WW Gold would be the perfect game to show off what the 3DS is capable of.
    Can't disagree there. WarioWare Gold would have been the ideal launch game, or near launch one.
    As I'll mention in my review for WarioWare Gold, the Wario series is one for completionists more than single playthrough fans. If you're only gonna tackle the main story, you're probably not the best audience for a Wario Land or WarioWare game, since you'll be done with it in about two hours or so.
    Either way, next two reviews will be WarioWare Gold and Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions.
    Well, beat the main story in WarioWare Gold. But I've got a few other things to take care of before I take on the extra content and actually try to play this game well/100% everything.
    I should review WarioWare Gold soon. Maybe tomorrow or so, when I plan to play the game again and finish the last few main stages.
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