Magma Jul 16, 2016 All the craziness surrounding Pokemon Go is unusually reminiscent of the stuff when Pokemon was first popular.
All the craziness surrounding Pokemon Go is unusually reminiscent of the stuff when Pokemon was first popular.
Magma Jul 16, 2016 Kyon, if you're too much of a coward to deal with me on your own I'm going to put on ignore anyone you send after me.
Kyon, if you're too much of a coward to deal with me on your own I'm going to put on ignore anyone you send after me.
Magma Jul 10, 2016 I like how the shantae thing started because I was playfully teasing juan schwartz
Magma Jun 26, 2016 I have a really bad habit of losing my wallet and it ending up in very mundane places
K K Kerberos Jun 25, 2016 I don't follow pro wrestling so I don't know who the person in your picture is, but I like to imagine that you are really him behind the screen.
I don't follow pro wrestling so I don't know who the person in your picture is, but I like to imagine that you are really him behind the screen.