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  • Every time my computer starts up it sounds like an engine which I think is pretty cool but I feel like it's going to blow up.
    A trick they told me is do blow strong air at the fan to release whatever is stuck there. It works on laptops, I don't know how effective it is on desktops though.
    I just usually blow into my laptop's fan when too much dust builds up. Not the optimal solution and dust gets in your eyes, but it works.
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    Reactions: Robin
    Its a desktop I built myself so that won't do. I occasionally clean it out buy I don't feel like it and I haven't had any performance issues.
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    I keep seeing child abduction warnings and it's freaking me out
    the sound from those alerts is terrifying. especially at 2am. they can be turned off though.
    I myself am not scared of being kidnapped if that's what you thought lol. It just makes me uneasy to know that sort of stuff going on and it being all in my face.
    aww ;-;
    i see what you mean though. if you watch a lot of news, people went from candy baiting to just straight up snatching people. its like they're very desperate to abduct someone.
    What is it with people drinking blood. Blood is nasty.
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    The 3rd Wario Brother
    The 3rd Wario Brother
    I don't know, probably but i'm not a doctor, though i would assume it has to do with genetics.
    Do you know a lot of vampies or something?
    What is this alchemy?
    In all seriousness if it's not their own they need to get outside more.
    Well it's almost been a year for me. I think I'll write something about it tomorrow.
    This place was really dead for a bit but it seems to be picking up again. Also glad to see an increasing amount of Wario discussion again.
    プロレスラーのドリー・ファンク・シニアの次男として生まれ、兄のドリー・ファンク・ジュニアと共にレスリングの英才教育を受けながら育つ。ウエスト・テキサス州立大学でアメリカンフットボール選手として活動後、1965年にプロレスラーとしてデビュー。父がプロモートしていたテキサス州アマリロ地区(NWAウエスタン・ステーツ・スポーツ)にてキャリアを積んだ。 1970年6月、日本プロレスに初来日。1971年12月7日、ドリーとのザ・ファンクスでジャイアント馬場&アントニオ猪木のBI砲を破りインターナショナル・タッグ王座を獲得。1972年10月には全日本プロレスの旗揚げシリーズに参加、以降、全日本プロレスの看板外国人選手となって活躍した。 アメリカでは、1973年2月10日にジョニー・バレンタインからNWAミズーリ・ヘビー級王座を奪取[1]。1975年12月10日にはジャック・ブリスコを破ってNWA世界ヘビー級王座を獲得、兄ドリーと並んで史上初の兄弟世界王者となった[2]。以降、各地で防衛戦を続けたが[3][4]、1977年2月6日、兄と同じくハーリー・レイスに敗れ王座陥落[2]。 1977年12月に全日本プロレスで開催された世界オープンタッグ選手権にはドリーとのザ・ファンクスで出場し、アブドーラ・ザ・ブッチャー&ザ・シークの史上最凶悪コンビを退けて優勝。以降、1979年と1982年の世界最強タッグ決定リーグ戦でも優勝を果たした。 日本において絶大なベビーフェイス人気を博していた同時期、本国アメリカではレッドネックのワイルドさを強調したラフファイト主体のヒールとして活躍。ロサンゼルスではチャボ・ゲレロ、フロリダではダスティ・ローデス、テネシーではジェリー・ローラー、サンアントニオではワフー・マクダニエルなど、各地のヒーローと流血の抗争を繰り広げ、業界誌の不人気部門(すなわち悪党人気部門)では常に上位にランキングされていた[5]。 1983年8月31日に全日本プロレスのリングで現役を引退したが、翌1984年8月に復帰。1985年6月にWWFと契約し、ジミー・ハートをマネージャーにカウボーイ・ギミックのヒールとしてハルク・ホーガンやジャンクヤード・ドッグと抗争を展開[6]。1986年1月にはドリーもホス・ファンクのリングネームでWWF入りし、同年4月7日のレッスルマニア2(ロサンゼルス大会)にはザ・ファンクスとして出場している[7]。 その後、膝を負傷してWWFを離脱。再び引退宣言して俳優活動に入り、『オーバー・ザ・トップ』など数本の映画やドラマに出演。 WCW、ECW以降[編集] 1989年5月7日、リック・フレアーとリッキー・スティムボートのNWA王座戦に採点ジャッジとして参加。試合後、勝者フレアーに襲い掛かり、史上初とも言われる「テーブル上でのパイルドライバー」を敢行。フレアーとの因縁ドラマでは「イカレた中年(Middle Aged and Crazy)」のヒールとして活躍。 以降インディ団体を転戦するようになり、旧敵ザ・シークの甥であるサブゥーとの邂逅などもあり、かつて南部地区でダスティ・ローデスやジェリー・ローラーらと繰り広げてきた荒っぽいラフファイト路線に回帰。ハードコア・レスリングの先駆者として再評価された[8]。 1993年からは創世記のECWに参加。1997年末までのECW全盛期を主役の一人として支えた。1998年からはECWと提携関係にあったWWFにチェーンソー・チャーリー(Chainsaw Charlie)のリングネームで久々に登場。弟子のような存在であるフォーリーとのタッグで活躍し、レッスルマニアXIVではニュー・エイジ・アウトローズのWWF世界タッグ王座に挑戦。その後はジャスティン・ブラッドショーとのカウボーイ・タッグも結成した。2000年からは末期のWCWに参戦し、ハードコア・タイトルを獲得している。 近年も各地のインディ団体に出場し、一時期は初期TNAにも登場した。2005年にWWEがECWを復活させると、当初は反WWEの立場を取っていたが、翌年のECWワン・ナイト・スタンド2006には参戦した。 2009年、兄ドリーと共にWWE殿堂に迎えられている。2011年には、流血の大抗争を展開した因縁のライバル、アブドーラ・ザ・ブッチャーのWWE殿堂入りのインダクターを務めた[9]。 評価[編集] レスラーとしての姿勢[編集] NWA王者として活動し超一流のレスラーとしての名声を得た後でも、新しいことに果敢にチャレンジする姿勢は、「リビング・レジェンド」(生ける伝説)と讃えられている。 前述のハードコアマッチやデスマッチへの挑戦、50歳を過ぎてからムーンサルトプレスを使い始めるなど(形は不完全であったが)、後に続く者からのリスペクトは絶えない。後年は若手育成にも力を入れ、ECW時代は積極的に若手とも試合を行なっている(他のベテラン勢は自分のポジションを奪われるのを嫌がり、若手との対戦は避けていたという)。 また、長年の酷使により膝が完全に壊れているため、膝サポーターは欠かせず、常にロングタイツを着用している。鎮痛剤を常用しているといわれ、その副作用のせいか、単なる性格的なものなのかは不明だが、感情を抑制出来ず癇癪を起こすことが多いと伝えられている。 日本での活躍[編集] テリー・ファンクは1970年代後半から1980年代前半にかけて、日本のプロレス界で最も成功した外国人レスラーの一人である。1977年の「世界オープンタッグ選手権」決勝戦において、凶器攻撃を繰り返すアブドーラ・ザ・ブッチャー&ザ・シークの最凶悪コンビに「テキサス魂」で真っ向勝負を挑む姿に、男女を問わず熱狂的なファンが付き親衛隊も生まれた。 大成功を収めた「世界オープンタッグ選手権」は、年末の興行は不振とされていた日本のプロレス界の定説を覆し、以降「世界最強タッグ決定リーグ戦」へと発展して全日本プロレスの看板シリーズとなった。日本では絶対的なベビーフェイスとして認識されているが、上記の通りアメリカでは地元のアマリロ地区以外では主にヒールとして活動していた。 ブッカーとしても敏腕で、1981年にはスタン・ハンセンの新日本プロレスから全日本プロレスへの引き抜きにも成功した。同様にハルク・ホーガンとも契約書を交わすまで至ったが、ホーガンがこれを新日本に提示しギャラの上乗せを要求したため、ホテルでホーガンを殴ったとジャイアント馬場は語っている。しかし、テリー本人は自著などで暴行に関しては否定している。 なお、一度目の引退を発表したのは1980年で、突如「私の膝は皆が思っている以上に状態が良くない。動ける内に身を退きたいので、3年後の誕生日に引退する」と発言し、ファン、そしてプロレスマスコミを驚かせた。1983年の引退試合の前に来日したグランド・チャンピオン・カーニバルIIIには「テリー・ファンクさよならシリーズ」と副題がついていた。 1984年2月のニック・ボックウィンクルvsジャンボ鶴田の一戦では特別レフェリーを務めた。 1993年5月5日にはFMWのリングで弟子ともいえる大仁田厚と川崎球場にてデスマッチ対決。1995年5月3日には福岡ドーム大会で新日本プロレスに初参戦した。また、IWAジャパンでは1998年、ザ・グレート・カブキの引退試合のタッグパートナーも務めている。 2005年8月4日、「WRESTLE-1 スペシャルタッグマッチ」にて同じく往年のスター選手ミル・マスカラスとコンビを組み、若手選手の本間朋晃&中嶋勝彦組に勝利。 2010年1月4日、新日本プロレス「レッスルキングダムIV IN 東京ドーム」に参戦。長州力、蝶野正洋、中西学と組み、ブッチャー、矢野通、飯塚高史、石井智宏組と対戦した。 2013年10月、全日本プロレスに22年ぶりにザ・ファンクスとして来日。両国国技館での第2試合に出場し、渕正信&西村修組と20分1本勝負で対戦した(結果は時間切れ引き分け)[10]。
    "So we looked at the data, and what we found surprised us..." lots of mouth noises "saving the world" finger temple "Now i know what you're thinking." "It's not really that complicated." "And it will only cost you [any amount of money] a year. That's less than the price of a daily soda." "Before we start, let me just tell you about my background." "It's some really exciting, revolutionary stuff. It's really gonna change the game." "This isn't a hoax, like all that hullaballoo about global warming. This is real and it's super important." "I think [whatever] and [whatever] aren't seperate at all. They both go together." "but the amazing thing is" "ordinary netizens like you and me" and is available to everyone in the us for less than the price of a cup of coffee a day" "teachable moment" *smash hands together dramatically or do some flagrant gesture* Pat yourselves on the back for saving the world . Look at us. It’s the machine that keep this world turning. I would like to start off this talk with a personal story that is very important to me. It’s a story about higher education - a parable, if you will - it was the same story told to me during my commencement speech, and one I will never forget. The story goes like this: one day, in a normal college, *Chuckle* after all the freshmen lazily wandered in late, the professor began his lecture by speaking. But he wasn’t just speaking; he was speaking about a topic. A topic where he was very adamant about his beliefs; beliefs he seeked to impose upon others with ruthless carte blanche. He preached to the class, insulting their intelligence. Students squirmed in their chairs. But then, when all seemed lost, out of nowhere, a student rose up out of his seat and challenged the professor. He explained his reasoning and why the professor was wrong. The professor was taken aback, aghast at the idea of his very pupil rising against him. He tried to defend, but the student had logic on his side. In the end, the whole class applauded a wrong that had been made right. That student... was Albert Einstein. That same sense of childlike play and innosense, questioning, Passion, is what I feel in this room right now. TEDx Drexel, University. Next X. So, you must be asking right now: who am I? Who’s this 22 year old kid up here with a chip on his shoulder, a heart of gold and the world in his eyes? Well, that’s a tough question. How do you sum up a human being, after all? why not bitchboy… I think a better question to be asking is: what inspires that person? What inspires you? What inspires you? What inspires you? What inspires me is awesome. My number one inspiration would have to be my passion. My passion is teaching African refugees how to program javascript. OK? My passion is figuring out how to get clean drinking water to 2 billion orientals. My passion is creating new ways and coming up with new ways to use maglev trains to get resources to the moon. What’s your passion? What’s your passion? The second thing that inspires me is ideas. (Jobs) Ideas... are amazing. And not just great inventions - just little things. This microphone, is a beautiful idea, allowing my voice to be conveyed out to the great unwashed. TED talks, are a great idea. And finally, the third thing that inspires me is solutions to problems. That’s what we do. Sometimes people have problems - well, they call us, because they know we solve those problems. We don’t just create ideas - we create solutions. I’m Sam Hyde. I’m an important thinker. I’m a creator, innovator, artist, idea. But above all else I’m a passionate childlike playful innovator. I’ve been all around the grillobe, globe… grillobe… … … ...working on cutting-edge projects of all kinds… and I’m here to ask you one question. and you can check out my website wehere i sell book Where we at? We’ve got 7 billion people on the earth and according to the UN we’re going to see those figures rise to 50 billion, that’s a lotta mouths to feed and most of these people will be incapable of feeding themselves or doing anything like that so we’ve got to think of some robots and imagine the future to help out. The West’s sick addiction to fossil fuel is going to make this planet inhabitable for the next generation, if you’ve ever seen the movie And Inconvenient Truth you’ll know what I’m talking about haha, essentially what’s going on is we’re too selfish and idling our cars too much and that’s getting nature out of the picture. we looked at the data, Culture is going down the tubes. We’ve got lewd media and nasty bedroom things on TV, things are all sort of being risque and not quite right. and we’re really sexuallizing these young girls to the point where even i have an issue with it, and i never imagined that’d be the case but it is We are all world citizens all living together in one ecosystem, one social contract, and we have got to learn how to share. studies show We work hard, but we looked at the data and we’ve got to learn how to play, because ideas and that childlike sense of playing is what’s going to save us. Work smarter, not harder. But... hunger, poverty, global climate change, radical islam, gay marriage, unless we start confronting the BIG issues, our future… looks like no future at all. [slide of Obama, no speech] So where are we. We’re in a roomful of innovators, creators, humanitarians, artists, renaissance men, AND women, business leaders, philanthropists, ideas. We’re at a pitoval point, in human history. We’re at the cusp of a paradigm shift. Where will that paradigm land… Will it be a cooperative utopia where everyone works together, like Star Trek? Or will it be a selfish greedy wasteland like the Fallout games? I don’t want to get too political but those options are basically Democrat and Republican, respectively. Would someone get me a coffee or should I just stand up here and drink my own piss. I was in Rwanda… I was with a little startup you might’ve heard of, Tesla, it was myself, Elon Musk, a team of innovators, creators, ideas, we were giving iPads to this village of Africans. It was so crazy, they didn’t even know how to use them, and yet they’re so intuitive. And (african confused by ipad) The problem, is US. The people in this room right now, the solution is us, the problem is greedy corporations, the people driving the future of tomorrow. We do things that MATTER (lock fingers). We read the New York Times, we aren’t content to sip mediocre coffee, we use words like axiom, juxtapose… we prefer a bicycle or a nice hybrid to some old gas guzzler… Loud big truck, we don’t want that, we want refined, subtle, elegance, dwell magazine, clever solutions, not fast loud obnoxious macho, classy sleek minimalist considered intelligent, because the last thing we want is a dick measuring contest.. We are the ivory tower intellectuals who know best how to fix the world, we know better than the dummies (fast food worker), and the ding-dongs (blue collar guy), by the way I’m not racist, this black man (black blue collar) is just oppressed by society and if he had the same opportunities as a rich white he could’ve been something noble like a professor or a researcher, but yes this (white blue collar) is a dumb dumb, shlub shlamiel, he’s not an innovator he can’t use tablet PCs to shape the future, you ask this guy about using eco friendly green sustainable to get to mars he’d probably blow a fart in your face, he also votes republican i guarantee it.. anyway WE, right here right now, we have the big brains and we have the good intentions and we know what’s coming up next. We are the Karl Marxes and Steve Jobs rest in peace of tomorrow. So we tell them what to do and what’s best. Maglev teleport tubs, fuckin’ machines that turn gasoline into water to save the planet, these are the types of things us “smarties” can make. "by my calculations, we have five years before the world ends, unless we can start to reverse things like pollution and war, we need hope and change" Close your eyes. Everybody in here we’re gonna change some minds. Right now right fucking now (starting shadowboxing) Close your eyes. This is the most pitoval poment pivotal moment of your life. This moment right now, breathe it in deep baby, eckhart tolle style. Neurons are firing in your brain, you’re more alert, you’re astrally projecting, youre drinking bulletproof coffee and you dont even realize it you’re getting all fucked jagged up in the head by my presentation, you will this remember forever, motherfuckers. 2070 Future Now, What 2070 predictions.. the next 50 to a hundred years, lotta stuffs gonna happen sea floor farming, a whole new realm of agri on the sea floor, untapped land resources 75% use it bitch, beets yams, sea potatoes… You like cheesy potato skins from TGIF? Try cheesy sea potatoes with sea cheese gonna knock yr taste buds right outta yer mouth. trash economy, the abundance of trash what are we gonna do with it? put it on an island. No more need to cut down trees printing up dollars, trash econ replaces econ with money, we’ll all be rich it’s a gold rush, walk with me Most of the major cities will be replaced with vast pleasure domes exclusively for the "excelcyites" who are the neo-upperclass, while the displaced hordes of lower class "depth-grovellors" will live underground in tiered cities, endlessly toiling away in subterranean sugar caves for nuggets of sweet neoplasmin.' video games are gonna get more realistic super fuel efficient vehicles getting 80-100 miles per gallon.. Kinda makes yr prius look a little dated, huh? Sorry charlie pause race riots extreme racial tension and unrest. It’s called the knock out game and eventually white people are gonna get tired of playing it. I don’t want to go back to the old days anymore than anyone else but unless Toure reels his boys in it’s gonna be a big ol mess. a new hybrid form of wigger hipster known as a wipster, theyre savvy they use the internet they have decent taste in music but theyre obsessed with hip hop.. gucci mane specifically. - By 2070, due to the massive increase in the population, there is no longer enough milk formula to supply all the new births. To accommodate this the NEGGL have genetically modified the human species such that men and women now go through regular lactation periods, once a month. During these lactation periods, men and woman go to special Milk Processing Plants where they are hooked up to machines that harvest all their sweet, sweet, nourishing lactate. Naturally this process is extremely painful. Some humans are found with a genetic mutation that increases the lactate levels threefold, and are rounded up by FEMA and farmed for their milk fulltime. whats the one problem thats plaguing america right now thats not gonna be around in 2070? we’re not gonna have to deal with the mentally disabled or the elderly cus we’re just gonna killem matrix come here "So we looked at the data, and what we found surprised us..." lots of mouth noises "saving the world" finger temple "Now i know what you're thinking." "It's not really that complicated." "And it will only cost you [any amount of money] a year. That's less than the price of a daily soda." "Before we start, let me just tell you about my background." "It's some really exciting, revolutionary stuff. It's really gonna change the game." "This isn't a hoax, like all that hullaballoo about global warming. This is real and it's super important." "I think [whatever] and [whatever] aren't seperate at all. They both go together." "but the amazing thing is" "ordinary netizens like you and me" and is available to everyone in the us for less than the price of a cup of coffee a day" "teachable moment" *smash hands together dramatically or do some flagrant gesture* vague terms and extended allegories, shit, rambling metaphors and prose. pretend the audience knows exactly what your talking about though so if they werent paying attention youd seem like a very observant and intelligent person... use evasive language to dance around it, like "of course, there is a problem we all know about... but today I am ready to present the solution" "And it will only cost you [any amount of money] a year. That's less than the price of a daily soda." 2070 and beyond what is going to happen. robots policing the streets. New genetic modifications, designer eyebrows coming to a surgeon near you. Modify your body get breast implants, get huge big drugs, turn yourself into a freak its cyberpunk. Turn yourself into a bug, im looking at a roomful of future bugs. Change your gender instantly with this one easy trick discovered by a mom. 2070, gay marriage, by the year 2070 gay people will be getting married so, get used to it, BIGOTS the rise of the apple mac computer. watch out! Theyre white, theyre sleek, theyre minimal, theyre futuristic, and ive got a hunch that steve jobs was on to something when he designed that imac, and i think youre gonna be seeing a whole lot more of these apple products. Sodasteam will do for soda what 3d printing did for assault rifles What we found was shocking. For the field, it was a gamechanger. Our understanding has changed greatly since the beginning of the discovery of anything concerning it. And people wouldn’t believe it. They couldn’t accept what they were being shown. After all, this is stuff we do every day, but now we’ve been forced to look at it in a totally different light. But that wasn’t all, because this rabbit hole gets deeper Now, you might be looking at me right now and going: you know what, this looks like some pretty deep stuff. And you’re right. Because in choosing this solution and thinking outside the box, we were able to do something that nobody has done before. We were able to break the glass ceiling. Right now we’re ready to roll out these changes across the board - we just need the go-ahead. And you know what it took? All it took was understanding this world a little better, and just stepping back a bit to smell the roses. Like a child, playful, ideas. What it took was us to utilize solutions, not just ideas, to solve problems. After I released my research, top researchers at NASA, MIT, Saks fifth avenue, and had an emergency meeting and said the laws of physics are fundamentally wrong. By implementing this we’d saved $5 per income, per DVD. That’s a huge saving. I can’t even tell you what a huge saving that is. By 2070, also due to the low oxygen levels the NEGGL will also impose an 'air tax' on its people. At birth, doctors place a chip inside your lungs that monitors the amount of air your body processes and you will be charged a certain amount Astro-blics (the global currency) to your file on the Universal Data Base. If you are unable to pay the air tax your Universal Data Base account will be terminated and you'll be sent to an subterranean labor camp. By 2070, prior to the construction of the planet wide Bio-Dome, all the bees had left the planet to colonize the moon. Over time the bees had developed a sentient nature, such that they were no longer satisfied with being farmed for their honey. some say they're mustering their strength to launch an all out war on Neo-Earth today. robot honeybees to counteract colony collapse disorder State-enforced homosexuality facebook as a birth certificate mac ipads built into the desk of every school for every kid In 207o 3d printers are kids toys, get the newest 3d printer for your 5 year old daughter so she can print some 3d Muslim Barbie dolls to play with. In 2070, gay men have actually developed re productive organs inside of their anuses and a new generation of children are born from the anuses of gay men. Incubation period much shorter than that of heterosexual pro-creation. Massive amounts of gay babies are being born from the anuses of gay men everywhere. Very concerning for women who no longer are necessary. Whoops In 2070, due to massive amounts of nuclear fallout from Fukushima which spread Across the pacific to The United StAtes, Californians are now almost indistinguishable from the Japanese in appearance In 2070, blood is a minor but growing export from Most African countries, as many in the world are desperate to contract the AIDS virus to satisfy their twisted sexual fetish. In 2070, dogs and cats are no longer the primary pets of the American household. The average American home spends anywhere from $2,000-$10,000 a year feeding and caring for their pet camels and cleaning up after their mess. Wonder why all the camels hmmmm In 2070, music is made by ALL people. Not just the nerds in their basement or the hot girls, ALL people. Everyone has their own artist name and you can hear each persons "sound". If you're music sounds similar to another's, guess what YOU TWO might be compatible hehe As an extension of this, there are elderly dance clubs for those of our current generation where people in their 70s and 80s put on live dJ shows, house music and it's fucking gross and they make out and there a a VICE doc about it and movies and stuff of course Good luck searching "Al Qaeda" in 2070, you'd have Better luck walking next door and asking them questions in person. In 2070, niggas are still screaming WORLDSTAR and curb stomping the elderly. Nothing really changed with those folks. In 2070, Israel is straight up ripped off the map bye bye Tel Aviv more like Tel Crater… they’re so worried about another holocaust, they should be worried about another exodus… in 2070 they’ll be fuckin back in egypt workin the slave shift (picture of Malcolm Gladwell) Israel, someone nuke these mothafuckas right off the fuckin map!! Anybody else have any predictions? You miss what do you think is gonna happen in the next sixty years? Think we’ll have cars that float on air? You guy what do you think? this guy has no idea do something about it Those are the top three things that inspire me. This is taken straight from the Interests field of my facebook profile: the top three things I enjoy are listed as passion, ideas, and solutions. And I might be alone in that, but that’s okay for me, because - at the end of the day - it’s not about the individual. It’s about the beliefs. The things that inspire you. So that’s how I describe myself. Does that make me a hero? I don’t know. After all, what is a hero? Is a hero someone who stands up for his beliefs? Maybe so. Maybe no. I don’t care about whether or not I’m a hero. So I’ll leave that up to you, because I deal in statistics, not opinions. So how many of you think you’re listening to a hero? Raise your hands. Come on, raise more. Come on people. So now you know a little bit more about me. But there’s one thing missing: and that, is, why am I up here talking? Good question. Well, the answer may shock you. During the flight here I thought about that myself. After all, just 24 hours ago I sat drinking cheap Lambrusco wine in the giancolo hills overlooking rome without a care in the world. So what made me think to come to an underachieving community college in Maine and discuss my ideas? After all, I am standing here today as not only an important thinker, but a professional in this field. Coming from a prestigious university, I’ve been working in this field of study for years now. I don’t have time to just trek across the world like some sort of romantic trailblazing wanderer with nary a care in this world except for his Harley-Davidson. That’s not who I am; I’m a professional. Well, here’s your answer: I think that kids are the future. I really do. I love kids. My youngest son, Keegan, means the world to me. And so, I thought: if you’re trying to change the world; if you’re trying to think forward, and really break the gun, why don’t you start with the kids? And that, my friends, is why I’m here. It’s been a very long road, but right now I am excited to present that me and my colleagues are finally ready to present the decisive facts that will up your game, once and final. Applause, please. *SLIDE - take for granted* There are many things we take for granted in life. Many facts that we assume are just true. Whether it’s your car, your TV, or the food ready for you at your dinner table, we all have something that we take for granted. Some of those things are ideas. Some are solutions to problems. Some are passions. And even though there are some people who will never have these things that we so cherish, we still take it them for granted. We just assume it’s always going to be that way - we just assume that this is a given. Heh. We all know how that feels, right? But I’m here to tell you that many of them might not be so true. Right now, I have some compelling facts that may actually make you change your mind and think twice about things. Some of the stuff you learn here today may make you think about things in ways you never would have before. Now I know this sounds crazy - but hear me out for a second. Me and my team at the university, over the course of several months of study and fact-checking - were able to come up with a definitive answer to this problem. The answer? Well, it may shock you. - By 2070, the oceans and water ways will be too far polluted to sustain healthy fish, fish prices will increase exponentially as result. To combat the soaring fish prices governments will allocate large fish tanks to each household and give families breeding pairs of certain fish so they may keep fish populations high and fish markets afloat. These families will be forced to breed a prescribed quota of fish that they will sell for a share of the price (6-9%). However if they don't fill this quota the government will heavily tax them or place them in reconditioning camps. - By 2070, due to overpopulation names will become far to common and alike. To make identification easier, the Neo-Earth Global Governing League (NEGGL) will make it a law to have at least 3 numbers in any one name. - By 2070, due to the faltering ozone layer global warming will be at it's peak. To reduce the effects of global warming the NEGGL will construct a massive bio-dome encompassing the entire planet. This technological wonder will give the NEGGL unprecedented power over it's denizens and the ability to control daylight hours (i.e by activating shutters on the dome that close and block out the sun). The NEGGL will have the ability to open up the bio-dome at any time, so if a particular District-Nation rebels against it's Sector Governing Union, they have the power to open up the bio-dome over that particular place, exposing them to the sun etc. - By 2070, due to the destruction of forests to make way for expansive hive-cities, oxygen levels are at an all time low. To accommodate this leading NEGGL scientists design a "breathing mask" made out of a combination of plastics and a genetically restructured moss that produces oxygen at an extremely high level. The NEGGL have also bugged these masks with a special chip that when activated will agitate the moss, such that instead of producing oxygen, it will produce highly toxic and radioactive xenon gas. - By 2070, at birth, your brain will be bugged with a Data Processing Unit, this chip will recorded all of your life experiences/knowledge etc and upload it to the Universal Data Base. If you are found to have insufficient knowledge by the age of 18, NEGGL workers will round you up and either a) send you to a subterranean labor camp where you will toil away for the rest of your life b) Terminate your existence or c) Sterilize you. This is a method of separating the smart people from the dumb people. that final breakthrough, and we saw the connection. FBI hate crime statistics vs rape statistics There was a pattern here. When we took the first data, and plotted it against the second - *SLIDE - line graph with new line on it* Applause, please. *SLIDE - line graph with new line on it, third line is labeled “Passion, Ideas”* *clear throat* Albert Einstein once said, "he who first votes for the noose is the first to deserve the lonesome road," but to an uninitiated shaveling, such advice falls upon deaf ears. When you take this and plot it against innovation and gamechangers, a pattern truly emerges from the primordial soup: *SLIDE - line graph morphs into the tobleronetriangular triangle* I rest my case. *SLIDE - TRAINGLE with Ideas, Passion, and Solutions* After that day, I thought differently about passion. I thought differently about ideas. Because I didn’t just create an idea - I created a solution to a problem. And at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about. Alberto Einstein once said that the river that runs the fastest lasts half as long. But I think the waves of the sea are what he was really talking about. Thank you. I am an important thinker, and a professional in this field. Coming from a prestigious university, I’ve been working in this field of study for years now. Most important person in the world is YOU
    Kevin Scott Nash (born July 9, 1959) is an American professional wrestler and actor, currently signed to WWE under their legends program. Nash has wrestled under several ring names, but is best known by his real name in World Championship Wrestling (WCW) and Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), and in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF), where he has also been billed as Diesel. In 1994, Nash (as Diesel) won all three titles comprising the WWF Triple Crown, and at that year's Slammy Awards won the MVP (now Superstar of the Year) and (with Shawn Michaels) the Best Tag Team (now Tag Team of the Year) awards. Between WWE, WCW, and TNA, Nash has won a total of 21 championships, including being a six-time world champion (a five-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion and one-time WWF World Heavyweight Champion), and a 12-time world tag team champion between the three promotions. Although he held the WWF World Heavyweight Championship only once, Nash is the longest-reigning titleholder of the 1990s, with a 358-day run. During his time in WCW, Nash also became the first wrestler to defeat Goldberg and in the process ended his undefeated streak of 173–0 at Starrcade in 1998. Nash was a member of The Kliq, a group that included Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Scott Hall, and Sean Waltman. He is one of the three founding members of the New World Order (nWo), along with Hulk Hogan and Scott Hall. Nash was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2015.
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    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    That's one big wall o´ text.
    Kevin Nash is pretty awesome : p Hes one of my favorites. Is too bad Magma likes HHH more though ; _ ;
    Awww shucks, Magma! Why is your mood set to that there depressed blueberry? I mean, life is tough - but you're tougher!
    Pffffft you arent from England D : <
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