Here's a question for people: do you prefer the older Wario voice (Mario Golf 64, WL4, World, & the first few WW's), or the newer, deeper one (WL:SI, Smash Bros. Brawl, WW Gold, etc.)?
Obviously the main reason we got the latter to begin with was because of some voice direction or editing or something (SI and Brawl), but these days it's probably because Charles Martinet is positively ancient and his vocal cords are bassier & a bit more ragged now (Gold), so I doubt we'll see anything that matches up with the late 90's Wario voice until we inevitably see a new guy in another, like, 20-30 years.
At any rate, though, which of Wario's sultry dulcet tones do you prefer?
By the way, how the heck do you type those backwards c and upside-down Omega signs?