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  • Can I just say that I'm fucking sick of the hostility that's been thrown towards Magma for trying to find a compromise regarding the ShoutBox? There were problems and he simply took initiative, even giving people that liked it a chance to defend it and make a case to find a compromise that would be okay for both sites, instead of aiming to just do away with it and telling people that liked it to piss off, like some have accused him of doing. I understand being upset over changes, but some people are acting as if Magma was acting out of sheer malice. I don't care about the ShoutBox either way, but if this is the kind of behavior it encouraged, then good riddance ShoutBox, never come back.
    Souw, Puyo Puyo Tetris may be getting a western release...what is this parallel universe I stepped into? And how do I stay there?
    @The Big Magma Yeah that joke was pretty lame. Anyways I'm very happy that this series is possibly getting another chance at localization, and I can't wait to play it when if it does get localized. Though on one hand, i'm not surprised to see this get localized seeing how Sega as of recently has been more willing to localize games since they bought atlus a couple of years ago, but on the other hand, i'm surprised this game hasn't been localized earlier given that Tetris alone would make the game sell copies. (Seeing as how Tetris is the Puyo Puyo of the west.)
    Tetris ain't what it used to be in terms of popularity. Especially now that there's plenty of "time burner" sorts of games available on smartphones now. It still has its recognizability but still.
    Excatly, Okay Tetris is not a big pop cultural craze like it was back in Gameboy days, but it's definitely very recognizable. and Tetris is still very popular today, For example, the mobile game released back in 2014 has sold MORE then the Gameboy version. The Gameboy version sold 35 million copies, the smartphone version though? 425 MILLION COPIES. even more then the original Gameboy version, okay yeah. it's not Candy Crush or anything, but Tetris is still extremely popular even today.
    Hey, I'm not really active anymore but I gotta say I really admire your attempts to continue interest in Wario-related stuff.
    Thanks dude, I appreciate the nice words.
    "Not really active anymore"? You post multiple times /every day/.
    I'm much more selective with my posts now and I feel like whatever posts I still make are of much lower quality. I generally view myself as on my way out. I used to be more dedicated on keeping conversations going but now I just say whatever.
    I'm so fucking sick of porn bot blogs following me on Tumblr
    Hey, i have question.
    I want to post a thred about a Mario Golf Character and a very, Very minor character from Master of disguise which i think is the same person.
    Where do i post it? It doesn't belong to the WarioWare category and probably doesn't belong in the General Wario Discussion either since it has nothing to do with him either...
    Can you help me?
    I'm still ashamed of how cynical and easy to trigger I was here back in last December-March, I sincerely hope that I have gotten better about this
    Oh totally looking back at things we really don't like is also a part of self discovery. Even if it's difficult we need to acknowledge these things we've done as to not repeat them. It's great to see that you've been more well rounded and been improving on what you might have lack, make what happened in the past a viable lesson.
    Yeah, as unpleasent as it is to look back at past mistakes it's also a big help to try and better yourself and honestly, as much as I cringe at those particular posts, I can honestly say that I'm far happier with myself now and that's a great feeling to have
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    We all have our low points.
    As of today Undertale is one year old now.....WHERE THE HELL DID THE TIME GO!?
    Where did the hype go
    Everytime some one mentioned undertale before I knew what it was I thought they meant British electronic group Underworld. Drive boy dog boy dirty numb angel boy.
    The Uuuuuuundertakeeeer.
    That moment when you are trying to write your favorite character and realize how much thought it needs in order to portray him authentically
    True, creating a good character is quite complex. You have to think what the character would do in most circunstances and, most of all, why they respond to these circunstances the way they do. I want to bring Blue to life in any sort of media because it's the best way to place that character in those, said, circunstances.
    When you really want to say something, but can't think of any interesting conversation topics
    Are you sure you want Rhythm Heaven Megamix exclusively for the "Wario...Where?" challenges? You do know what you have to do to unlock them, right?
    I saw JoeKarta point it out in the Rhythm Heaven thread, I'll still call it RhythmWare because it sounds better to me.
    But all in all, it's not a bad game! I do hope it makes it there soon.
    We in Europa still have to wait 4 months, but we do get a retail version out of it, which makes me personally happy
    Do you also think a Puyo x Kirby crossover would be epic? Not necessarily a puzzle game, but maybe an adventure game that brings the Puyo characters into Kirby's world?
    I know this is from like 3 months ago,but actually,we kinda of did. We had Kirby's Avalanche.
    >>Not necessarily a puzzle game, but maybe an adventure game that brings the Puyo characters into Kirby's world?
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    Yeah. =P That's why I said kinda.
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