Upon dawning the ancient relic brought up to standard safety code by Egadd, The Bouncing Buskins, Wario becomes Sgt. Wariochi. Magnetic pulses cause the wearer to constantly hop. The rugged materials are near invulerable even to lava. Helmet added for safety!
Upon dawning the ancient relic padded by Egadd, The Markhor Mukluks, Wario becomes Wakata Capario. Wario can now run through deep snow. Ancient G.O.A.T (Goat Observing then Applying Technique) tech allows the wearer to walk and jump on the steepest surfaces. Bushido: Don'yoku wa (r) yoi
:wariocaralt:I am going to attempt to rip the Diamond City Race Course from a Mario Kart Arcade GP isoWarioCar::.
This is my first time doing something of this nature :SpoiledRotten:so if someone is in the know any can do it more expediently be my guest. :perfectwario:
I will post again when...
Upon dawning the ancient relic stylized by Egadd, The Anti-gravity Gumshoes, Wario becomes Detective Warlock D. What do they do? Only a true detective knows... No really... Egad doesn't even know how this ancient technology works. He does know that a houndstooth hat with flannel does work however.
A dework of Mario Kart Tours Cowboy Wario (not MP2: Western World).
Beltless as Egadd encorperated an elastic leotard into the ancient stealth relic: The Bandito Buckaroos. While the built-in cloaking field might keep him hidden the loud spurs give him away. A fail safe design by Egadd.
Upon dawning the ancient relic reinforced by Egadd, The Battle Booties, Wario becomes Warticus. Uncrushable, Unstoppable, Immovable. Wario takes diminished damage and dishes it out double. All thanks to ancient lost metals and achetecture.
Upon donning the ancient relic worked over by Egadd known as the Gondolashes Wario becomes The Fludd Fisherman. Feared by all fishes and crustaceans alike. Wario can walk, jump, and fight on water thanks to a built in aqua jet propulsion system.
Wario is the master of disguise. He can't just sneak into Princess Peaches Castle in broad day light.... that is... unless. He might not have good styles anymore but that doesn't mean Wario forgot his fun. He had this outfit made custom in the real world to pull off dashing heists unindentified.
Wario is romping and ready to explore a deep dark cave network told to lead so deep it goes down to different worlds. That's not stopping Wario from getting the ancient treasure.