“Goo-waaah!! Help! I’m on fire! Somebody! Help! In the time it’s taken me to say this, my whole body’s been covered in flames! Don’t you think this is just too much?! I blame the game programmers! I’ll remember this! GRRR!!”
Also called Fire, Flaming, and Fiery Wario.
“Goo-waaah!! Help! I’m on fire! Somebody! Help! In the time it’s taken me to say this, my whole body’s been covered in flames! Don’t you think this is just too much?! I blame the game programmers! I’ll remember this! GRRR!!”
Also called Fire, Hot, and Fiery Wario.
Wario can fly very far, normally to the end of the screen. Wario is very heavy in this form and it is difficult to get out of quicksand. Gotten from collecting and Eagle Statue and Dragon Crystal.
Upon finding the Dragon Crystal Wario can shoot fire in a sort of cloud right in front of him. Wario is lighter in this form, and can get out of quicksand fairly easily.
Dragon Pot transforms Wario into Dra, Wario cannot perform his Body Slam instead shoots continuous bursts of fire from the helmet's nostrils, allowing him to defeat enemies from a distance and quickly break through lots of blocks at once. Fire is replaced w/lasers underwater.
“Hey! After burning, I have to freeze?!! Aaah! What’s going on with this game?! Is this some kind of cruel experiment? Anyone else would’ve given up by now!!”
“Hey! After burning, I have to freeze?!! Aaah! What’s going on with this game?! Is this some kind of cruel experiment? Anyone else would’ve given up by now!!”
“I’ve been smashed flat by a weight!! You’d expect my guts to be all squished and squashed, but wait! What’s this?! How mysterious! How could this be! Now I feel very light and I can squeeze into thin passageways!!”
“I’ve been smashed flat by a weight!! You’d expect my guts to be all squished and squashed, but wait! What’s this?! How mysterious! How could this be! Now I feel very light and I can squeeze into thin passageways!!”
Wario powers-up upon finding the Eagle Statue. Wario can fly a short distance, as well as move faster when barging. Wario is lighter in this form, and can get out of quicksand fairly easily.
“Those pesky bees!! They’ve made my beautiful face swell up like a balloon! What?! You say I look better this way? I won’t even be able to star in my own commercials looking like this!!”
“Those pesky bees!! They’ve made my beautiful face swell up like a balloon! What?! You say I look better this way? I won’t even be able to star in my own commercials looking like this!!”
Also known as Thief Wario. Primary form in Master of Disguise. Wario gains the ability to dash faster than toad, jump higher than luigi with ease, and can attack creatures life point directly.
“Somebody! Give me some tissues! It’s not that I need to go to the bathroom or anything, but a lump of snow just fell from the ceiling, and I’ve become a big snowman! Now my nose is running like crazy! What’ll Nintendo do if their BIG STAR gets a cold?!”