Corrupt a Wish

Wish granted, but you'll lose your hands
preventing you from playing or making anything

I wish Ashley & Penny became a couple.
Granted, but your boiler goes off, no heating works in your house, -9 degrees all week.

I wish Blue was real! hehehe
ill take that. better than missing it completely.
Sure but every one of his techniques run on kaioken logic so be careful.

I wish to be best friends with Spider-Man
granted, you're now ant man, but minus most of his powers except for being uncontrollably and unnoticibly small.
i really wish nintendo doesnt pull an nes classic with the switch, so i can actually get one :p
Granted, but the maid is male (I assume you wanted a female maid).

I wish I could eat as much cake as possible without any consequences.
granted, but now eating any other food gives you a much higher risk of diabetes, acid reflux, etc. also, beware malnutrition from not eating other foods (UNLOCKED DIETING HARD MODE)

i wish we could do wish denials in addition to wish corruptions.
denied, that would infer that wishes were possible in the first place :-/
jk, granted, now the world is in chaos because of wish corruptions and for some reason wario is is a real life black/asian man.
i wish my waifu was real and had a crush on meh :3
Granted, but her feelings never develop further than a crush and they eventually fade.

I wish I was immune to all diseases and illnesses.
granted, you now have an infinite life span. but now the government wants to hunt you down and do experiments on you for a so called elixir.
also, something tells me you might receive a few more cat calls than wanted or expected at 59 years young :p
lol i wish plastic bags are a universal currency.
Wish granted, but it ends up failing leading to a another great depression which would eventually lead into WWIII. (Plus the climate would be ever more screwed then it is now.)
I wish for a good Mario movie.