[DEAD] Wario Land 3 Hack Project

Never mind, i had a little more time before i had to leave to uni :p

I like the puzzle, the tileset, and the treasure :)
But i think this should be the Blue Chest instead of Green :p

ShyGuy, should i add Gameplay Design and Programing to your name? :p
You're very good at both :)


607, how goes your Glitch World rom? :p
Man, you guys are so active when it's Night time here and I'm sleeping :P
Aniway, i like the muffins, but because it's the same color pallete as the donut, i feel that some players will not notice the difference :P
But the muffins do look nice :)

I like the idea of having Fat/Flat Wario falling throught currents :)
I actually had that idea (with Flat Wario) in my head resently, but i coulndn't really design a good puzzle for it, so i didn't really bother telling you guys about it :P

Unofrotunatly, I can't test your level at the moment, ShyGuy. Probably only in the evening...
Again, wariolandgoldpiramid, it's not a problem if some people don't notice it. Besides, I doubt they won't. I like it.
Well, it's hexadecimal. It goes 1, 2, 3, 4... 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, then 10. I'm sure you can find a hexadecimal->decimal converter online if necessary, but it's not like decimal will have more meaning. 7A is awfully high though, didn't think there were that many...
You can actually just use the Windows calculator to convert HEX to DEC and vice versa with some settings changes.

Also: DUDE! Did you even look through my Object Sets list? I had to go through 91 different Object sets in Hexidecimal numbers, and write down all the important information in it!

EDIT: let me tell ya, it was not fun. (actually it was, I love things like that)

EDIT 2: Also, Drenn, did you see my request list?
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You can actually just use the Windows calculator to convert HEX to DEC and vice versa with some settings changes.

Also: DUDE! Did you even look through my Object Sets list? I had to go through 91 different Object sets in Hexidecimal numbers, and write down all the important information in it!

EDIT: let me tell ya, it was not fun. (actually it was, I love things like that)

EDIT 2: Also, Drenn, did you see my request list?
Does windows 7 have a calculator built in it? I can't find it.
Are you making a 100 treasure hack?
Or how long?
Would you please not rush me so much? :\
I'm in uni, and I'm going to have a very boring Java lesson in the computer room

Once again, perfect chance to not pay attention to the lesson do R&A and work on the Treasure Database :P

I'm wroking on "New Path To This Treasure" now :)


and by the way, i love the idea of giving optional treasures an alternate way to solve them if the player comes to them later, with power-ups he did not have when the optional treasure was first unlocked :)
and by the way, i love the idea of giving optional treasures an alternate way to solve them if the player comes to them later, with power-ups he did not have when the optional treasure was first unlocked :)
Hm, not sure. I would agree with necessary treasures though. I think the alternate way should definitely not be easier then, for the optional treasures.
Hm, not sure. I would agree with necessary treasures though. I think the alternate way should definitely not be easier then, for the optional treasures.

Well, i like what Beneath The Waves did for the Red Chest.
One side of the room is easier to reach, but has a Hammer Bot, that you can not pickup at the time.
The other side of the room is harder to reach, but has a barrel.
And you need to have Spring Wario on the barrel side.
Coming to this chest after you get the final powerup - picking up big enemies - makes it easier
Or the Frigid Sea, same thing:
If Wario comes for the Red Chest after learning how to pick up big enemies, he can break enemy blocks with a Polar Bear, and has no need to carry a little fragile rock throught the level
Just found out we can make the exit door and the bricks around it a different color in every tileset, instead of pink every single time.