i am me
Wariolandgoldpiramid, I think I can tell you what I've been wanting to do: I want to create tinyurls via an easy-executable method, so you can just write down somewhere how to format the tinyurls, and there's no need for the pasting of all the links or anything
If you don't get it, I want it to be something like this:
Edit: I hope nobody finds this and decides to troll us by registering the tinyurls before we get to it...
Wait, i have a better idea!
Instead of making the videos unlisted, make them private, and acsessable to me.
Then I'll easily see them in your uploads.
And once I put all the links in the database, you can make them unlisted again.
Youtube gives you the option to change videos acsess to muliple videos at once.
Just go to Creator Studio -> Video Manager, check all the videos that need acsess change, and change them to Private, with giving me acsess.
Later, you'll be able toe easily do the same to change them back to unlisted