That one person
You're certainly a provocative fellow, aren't you, Kyon? I hope you grow out of that. I've seen your better side before.
I am unable to "grow" out of this, my spirit has been broken by jerks like Magma and Metal, they usually gang up on me, even Magma admitted to enjoy pissing me off. So, I don't care how I act, I try to be funny and outgoing, but all I get are bad ratings, people being a smart-ass, etc. So what's it matter on how I act? no matter what I'm the bad guy. The only real person who has been nice to me no matter what and actually listens to me is [magical] Ashley, but I guess it's only because we're both good fans of Ashley. I would say King Hehehe and Kkplz, but they don't really help, just talk to me and calm me down. No action taken. (still isn't a bad thing, but I would have liked it if they had a talk with those two.)
Even though I stated many times I have an illness that is deadly, but they don't care, piss me off until I die I suppose. That's how they want it, so be it. But I'm not leaving. But for you, my dear friend - I'll do my best to snap out of this phase. Thinking about it now, I don't want to be remembered as a user who get's mad easy. I won't give those two the satisfaction. I'll be remembered as a friend to all.