There hasn't been anything to talk about lately. The last Wario news was a month ago and it wasn't even Wario, it was Ashley. Well. what I got in the mail was a new copy of Super Paper Mario, I could have downloaded it on the Eshop but by the time I found out it was on there It was too late.
I usually prefer having a physical copy anyways.

Yeah there's been a nothing about Wario lately and it's pretty much going to a point where we're just gonna be scraping every corner of the box to find something to talk about.
Well, I did get an Ashley plushie in the mail 'bout a week ago. Right now it stays in the closet, I haven't thought about it until now but it watches over the whole room, which gives me the chills now, lol. Listening to Lavender Town's theme isn't helping. : P

Though it is pretty cute when I first opened it. 79$ well spent I say! :3

Wario news coming Aug 13th.
That aint so creepy. The picture I made (which is here) pops up on my screen when I hurt myself. Like I was opening up a can and I cut my finger, than picture appears on screen. I stubbed my toe and again appeared the picture. Probably accidently created something evil.
You invited a Witch, abooglywooglyboo!

I got the idea of this picture when playing Slender Fortress on the same map I took the picture on. My team kept saying that I keep scaring them due to my red glowing eyes and creepy voice. The map is called bloodwood and is extremely dark, and you're not given a flashlight. Granted I never get scared of anything (except for what happened a few days ago) so it doesn't creep me out.
This is literally how I look like in-game. (I love creeping people out) Slender Fortress is a mod for tf2 that turns the game from team based shooter to a horror game with monsters from games like Slender, Amnesia, other horror games and movies, or random stuff like Toy Story and other funny bosses.
I tried playing Slender Fortress but I kept doing stuff wrong, or maybe it was my computer. Probably wouldn't have enjoyed it anyways since my pc was slow as balls, lol. What do you even do in Slendy Fortress?! play as Ashley models and run away from something?! last man standing? (last Ashley standing._))
It has you collect pages, gas cans, and other things. After you collect them all, you have to escape. Other maps like DOOM based maps are raid levels where you're given a gun and you have to fight your way through hordes of monsters to escape.

BLU team gets to chill and socialize with other people (or kill) and can watch RED team play.

Players will be forced to RED team each round and has to do the task they're given to survive.

It's pretty fun, but really hard for most people. I take it further by playing medic which bosses targets first since medic is able to auto heal himself. I'm usually last man alive so I blame my team for not being so good at running.