Alright, enough before we say things or do actions we can't take back! ^~^

Anyway, I'm having KFC for supper which is a first since forever! I can't wait to try it after all this time, but I'm also very tried cuz' I shoveled the drive way this morning, man was it a hard job! the icy parts were just the worst, meh! I'm a Canadian who doesn't like shoveling?! call the police! haha. ^^'
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I just now found an awesome bass guitarist-

Sadly this is ome local garage band kinda thing so I probly wont find much more by them unless I can find stuff they released themselves ; _ ; But I really like what this guy does ,is so cool. Is an awesome bass guitar/ saxaphone combo haha : p

Vitamin C!!

This guy posts really cool shorts of Armistead playing cool things on his bass, but he names them all "Pinback" so theyre really hard to find : p
AUGH!!! I don't know what to do now! So far I increased my rank in the Galactic Republic, I've become quite skilled in sniper combat, I made a few pictures and one of them became my highest liked ever, and I finished a Skullgirls artwork... Man I'm so bored. The only thing left to do is wait for the Switch since Pokémon Sun and Moon only lasted 2 days for me to complete both main and side.
AUGH!!! I don't know what to do now! So far I increased my rank in the Galactic Republic, I've become quite skilled in sniper combat, I made a few pictures and one of them became my highest liked ever, and I finished a Skullgirls artwork... Man I'm so bored. The only thing left to do is wait for the Switch since Pokémon Sun and Moon only lasted 2 days for me to complete both main and side.
geebus, how much digital content do you go through in one day, it'd take me a month to complete a pokemon game alone :p or maybe im just a slowpoke. that would explain my win/ loss ratio for most games.
Well Pokémon Sun and Moon is a really easy game and I haven't lost once at all. I've also completed it while also multi-tasking with other things as well so it's pretty small really.

Usually throughout a day I go through at least 4 or 5 things happening all at once.