How this year's E3 was for me.

EA: Absolutely nothing.
Bethesda: QUAKE YEAH!!!
Microsoft: It was okay I guess.
Ubisoft: Ehh
Sony: Kratos y u so old and finally the Last Guardian is coming!
Nintendo: The Legend of Technology Breath of the Brew ha ha and Mayro Perty featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series & Knuckles.

Dante will be in the new Mario Party? What's the occasion?
It's funny. In Season 1 of the Flash the main villain was faster than the villain in season 2, which is odd cause the villain in season 2 gave Barry much more trouble than the villain in season 1. Barry beat Zoom, but didn't beat Reverse Flash, somebody else did at a price.

So if Zoom and Reverse Flash battled Reverse Flash would win.

But reverse Flash in season 2 was much slower than that of his season 1 counterpart, but only because the one in season 2 was from the past, the newest one dies back in season 1. So if zoom battled reverse flash from season 2 Zoom might be able to win.
Was that the one with a frog girl? Cause I was thinking about giving it a try, by the big Superman looking guy it looks like a place for heroes! Also the title says Hero Academia.

Looks fun
(Ashley RP added me out of the blue, she was telling me I was a failed clone because she thinks I RP Ashley too...I really need to change the name, I'm not a RPer! lol.)

Sure, I'll give it a try when it's dinner time, watching shows with din din is the best! I also like anime based around heroes, I'm like really into heroes lately thanks to movies like Captain civil war, Batman v Superman and shows like Arrow and The Flash.

I've been into heroes before, just not this much.
Boku no Hero Academia is pretty cool. I was kinda turned off first because Deku is such a crybaby but it gets better. The best character is obviously Mineta.
Mineta and his purple grape afro. The series has a very comic-like pace, so it has plenty of action as well as story.