to be honest though, id think it would suck to be any taller than that. for one thing, i heard its harder to supply oxygen to a whole larger body, from a medical stand point. also, it sucks to have to bend over to pick stuff up, having to watch your head, trying not to unintentionally intimidate people with your size.
@Kyon i dunno, how does it feel to be slender?
I'm not really sure how to answer this, being tall doesn't really have a feeling to it, you are just taller, things can seem smaller though. I also bump my head from time to time, even in my house. I am not sure about the rest you said, I know being really tall can be bad, but being 6'4 isn't the worst. It's a good height.
ahh, im really starting to miss my high school years, especially before my senior year.
the friends i had were the best. like, if you could imagine the most sporadic, loopy group of people ever except witb an iq of like 125 each.
I think being too tall is something you need to make the most out of rather than a true asset. If you don't fill out your frame you can end up looking awkward, lanky, uncoordinated etc.
You can be a professional wrestler like the Undertaker!

Do you.... like pro wrestling? >.>'

Btw, I was thinking about making a new thread, but Id like some opinions.
Would makign a "whats your favorite song" thread be a good idea? Like, I know that not everyone has one, and of course with time opinions change, and I hate hate hate youtube dumps : p My plan was like posting the one song you would currently all your favorite, and then talk about why you like it so much, and why its special to you.

Dunno if its worth starting though : p

Oh and Im 5 feet 7. Depending on where I am I can feel too tall or too short : p There was even a time once in my life when I was obsessed with being shorter : p Im over it now though : p
Do you.... like pro wrestling? >.>'

Btw, I was thinking about making a new thread, but Id like some opinions.
Would makign a "whats your favorite song" thread be a good idea? Like, I know that not everyone has one, and of course with time opinions change, and I hate hate hate youtube dumps : p My plan was like posting the one song you would currently all your favorite, and then talk about why you like it so much, and why its special to you.

Dunno if its worth starting though : p

Oh and Im 5 feet 7. Depending on where I am I can feel too tall or too short : p There was even a time once in my life when I was obsessed with being shorter : p Im over it now though : p

That'd be cool but I feel like not everyone will reply and the thing about most " favorite " of anything would be too vague. As in personally my favorite kind of songs just stagger and they shift that's kind of the problem I see with that. What else could you include in favorite songs? Like maybe if people have a list of not just a kind of song but a genre, musician, an instrument, or a band it could expand that if it helps.

Also 5'7 is great you're as tall as Jolyne and you both start with the J in your names just tell me you can use Stone Free to beat up Misantropic Priests.
I use to be a huge fan of it, but in the past 5 years or so I grew disinterested in it. 2003-2009ish was when I was a huge fan of it.

Oh, haha same, except I dropped out a few years earlier : p This is like the only site Ive been on where Ive met other fans though, so Im glad you joined : p

Totally feel free to post in the wrestling thread : 3 I mean it btw, please post anything youd like to say, weve like run out of things to talk about : (
That'd be cool but I feel like not everyone will reply and the thing about most " favorite " of anything would be too vague. As in personally my favorite kind of songs just stagger and they shift that's kind of the problem I see with that. What else could you include in favorite songs? Like maybe if people have a list of not just a kind of song but a genre, musician, an instrument, or a band it could expand that if it helps.

Also 5'7 is great you're as tall as Jolyne and you both start with the J in your names just tell me you can use Stone Free to beat up Misantropic Priests.

Haha well it wouldnt have to be a detailed essay on why its a favorite, it could just be a few sentences, or whatever the poster felt like posting : p

And like I said a person can just post what they currently feel is most special to them, Ive had many favorite songs : p As long as they arent posting them daily or anything. And uhhhh maybe but thats a much more open discussion, not sure how I could pull that off without it being a general "music" discussion, and I have a feeling people would just post without reading the OP and it would just become a youtube dump : p

And uhhhhh yeah, I can totally do that thing you asked me to say I can do, for sure. No problem : p