So, for the people who aren't American, what exactly happens on thanksgiving?

I always thought it was a fairly minor celebration compared to Christmas, but I now hear you guys get presents on that day as well?
So, for the people who aren't American, what exactly happens on thanksgiving?

I always thought it was a fairly minor celebration compared to Christmas, but I now hear you guys get presents on that day as well?
Thanksgiving is celebration for the things we are thankful for, and we celebrate by having a feast of stuffed turkey, pie, other foods like that. We don't give out presents though, it's just a gathering of friends and family.
I think California, which has CA as its official abbreviation.
But that is in America. :P
I can say that I've never heard of anything I know in the Netherlands celebrating it, at least.
... or maybe CM30 intended his post differently than I interpreted.

So, for the people who aren't American, what exactly happens on thanksgiving?

I always thought it was a fairly minor celebration compared to Christmas, but I now hear you guys get presents on that day as well?
Were you asking the people who are American, or the people who aren't American? I realise now that I recall you being from the UK, so it's probably the former. :P I misinterpreted your post then, I'm sorry to both of you.
So I was helping a friend move some stuff out if her great grand parents house cuz they were selling things and before some of these items got sold off i wanted to take pics since it'll be awhile before I see such ancient technology again.


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So I was helping a friend move some stuff out if her great grand parents house cuz they were selling things and before some of these items got sold off i wanted to take pics since it'll be awhile before I see such ancient technology again.

Most intriguing... a walkman, and uh... I'll need an archaeologist to identify the other ones for me.