It's compelling how we need oxygen but how that works is also another interesting point as iron helps red blood cells deliver oxygen from the lungs to cells all over the body.
We should have a Smash champions on here and see who's really the best here, like many other sits I've been on. Some sort of contest, winner gets a 25$ eshop card!

We'll have a bracket!
Can you guys fucking stop. Sorry but as odd as it sounds there's a personal association with being called mama that I wish to not be reminded of.
Herro, Ashley~ nice to see you after all these years, lol. JK. it's been awhile since you've been online and I never seen you online this late before, something the matter? have the midnight talks on your mind? I have those sometimes, just wanna talk to somebody in the middle of the night. Anyways I'm going on too much - what's up?
I know it seems out of the ordinary for me to be online at this time, but I couldn't sleep. My family and I went out of town again, it's been a long drive, perhaps 10 - 11 hour drive, left early in the morning and now we're resting in a small town in a Motel, my parents have their own room while I share one with my brothers. It's hard to sleep, so I opened my laptop and thought I'd watch some videos or talk to help me fall asleep.
My, my - another out of town drive? Lucky, I never left town for over two years, I'd love to visit some new places and such. :3
So, where are you going if I might ask??!! somewhere fun? somewhere boring? something bad happen?! something awesome happen?!?!
My mother has family she needs to see, that's all I can say. I am so loving this trip so far, I'm gonna enjoy myself as much as I can this time, since nothing too important is going on, just small family matters. We went to a some food places, looked at some sights, played at parks, sounds childish but my brothers still love to play, as do I.

The wifi here is okay, but can really slow down sometimes. Loading a new page takes around 20 seconds, feels like forever to load videos so I came to the forums, figured I haven't been here for awhile and came to see what's new.