This forum must be in real trouble for it to keep a topic about underwear going for as long as it has.
A thread dedicated to pants? Ha, this forum is running out of good ideas. If you guys talked about a certain somebody more maybe this forum will start acting more like a -- forum.
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I see. You know what, youre right Kyon. Wario Forums doesnt talk about Ronald Reagan enough at all. We should be spending more time talking about him.

You should totally make a thread, Kyon. Gogogo
To copy and paste on phones is even harder, I dunno why I use phones for the internet, it's like the worst thing too. I guess I was too lazy to turn on the laptop or something.
Now wasn't that episode of the Flash something? I can't wait to see what happens next! OMG! It's like, my favorite TV show of all time, next to Arrow. My other favorites are SuperGirl and Legends of Tomorrow.