Glad you like it, looks good on your profile if I do say so myself! Well, lately people were getting salty at me, like real salty, more disagrees, more bad ratings, everything. These people want to run me out of WarioForums, but I will never give in because a Kyon never gives up! >:3

unless I lose, then I'll likely give up --- but that's aside the point!

@Magical Ashley i know its random, but have i seen you from somewhere before? the internet is a massive place. if not, well, just passing by.
@Kyon That's shameful, who would want to run you out of the forums? If there is anyway I can help just come and ask me, I'll have a talk with these people.

@pjparadox I do not believe we have ever met before, sorry. It's possible you've seen me outside of the forums, but it's highly unlikely, this site is the only place I use the name Magical Ashley.

@Metal Oh, well I'll be sure to read it...
The salty people will forever be salty. It's in their blood. Though I don't ever want to run anyone out of a place, I'm not a mean person. I treat all people with respect.
@Hex Scout i liek bashin skrubs.
@Magical Ashley i knew a person in secret on another site. they had been mistaken for another, harsher entity known on site. but she was too nice and naive to get the stress she recieved.
mushy gooey nonsense aside, yes. but i was only curious.