I suppose that is a good thing seeing as users here complain about the forums being silent half the day, so I'm guessing the coin thing was implemented to promote more discussion. I do not, Blanche. Wario Forum is the only community I joined, even then I'm not very active here as my mom disapproves of me being online too much. I could log on everyday if I felt like it, but I don't really find the need to. I think I should spend my youth outside, not indoors on the computer, I have a long life ahead of me to do that another time.

Yeah, I guess you could say that. I'm not sure if it's just me but I think the forums became more active since this coin thing was added, though that just could be my imagination.
I feel you. I remember being 15 not too long ago (just was 17 some months ago) and I didn't have friends or people wanting to hang out with me so I just stayed inside. I don't regret cause I still learned a lot of stuff and developed in my own way. It's no different from say, staying inside to read a book except you communicate with others more and can actively search for information if you seek it. So it's much more interactive and multi-faceted that way.
It's only recently I actually do productive things with my internet time though

Yeah, I guess you could say that. I'm not sure if it's just me but I think the forums became more active since this coin thing was added, though that just could be my imagination.

A few new people seemed to have joined recently, so that helps.
I don't mean to come off as rude but that might be due to people wanting more coins, this could lead into dumb discussions like "What color is your carpet?" mainly to cash in on more coins. I'm most likely completely wrong about this. I see...I'm not saying it is bad to stay on the computer everyday, just not necessarily the best thing to do, you are still young! go outside, go for long walks if you need to. I'm also sure if you sit in front of a bright screen all day it'll ruin your eyes. My parents always take me out, so I'm not inside all day. My father is also saving up some money for a trip somewhere. I love exploring new places, just something about seeing the world brings happiness to my heart. I am doing my best at school so I can travel the world one day. I always wanted to visit the U.K or even Japan.
I don't mean to come off as rude but that might be due to people wanting more coins, this could lead into dumb discussions like "What color is your carpet?" mainly to cash in on more coins. I'm most likely completely wrong about this. I see...I'm not saying it is bad to stay on the computer everyday, just not necessarily the best thing to do, you are still young! go outside, go for long walks if you need to. I'm also sure if you sit in front of a bright screen all day it'll ruin your eyes. My parents always take me out, so I'm not inside all day. My father is also saving up some money for a trip somewhere. I love exploring new places, just something about seeing the world brings happiness to my heart. I am doing my best at school so I can travel the world one day. I always wanted to visit the U.K or even Japan.

You know it's funny, parents won't let me go outside without my sisters or something (who really don't want to go out) because they think if a girl is alone she will immediately get raped and murdered. I'm tired of arguing with them with their stupid old views and their paranoia so I just don't go outside aside for college which is good enough for me for now I guess...
Speaking of which, Ashley. What color is your house? #NotCashinginonMorecoins. loljk.

I usually like to go hang out at the mall, simply because there is so much to buy! I also like getting out. :3
Japan sounds fun, but I'd love to visit New York and go to Nintendo World! I always wanted to go see it there, has anyone here been?
I don't mean to come off as rude but that might be due to people wanting more coins, this could lead into dumb discussions like "What color is your carpet?" mainly to cash in on more coins. I'm most likely completely wrong about this. I see...I'm not saying it is bad to stay on the computer everyday, just not necessarily the best thing to do, you are still young! go outside, go for long walks if you need to. I'm also sure if you sit in front of a bright screen all day it'll ruin your eyes. My parents always take me out, so I'm not inside all day. My father is also saving up some money for a trip somewhere. I love exploring new places, just something about seeing the world brings happiness to my heart. I am doing my best at school so I can travel the world one day. I always wanted to visit the U.K or even Japan.

I can understand where you're coming from. Sitting in front of the computer all day usually puts me in a crappy mood and causes my eye vision to become blurry. But honestly, there isn't much else to do these days. Going on vacation next month though. If you visit the UK, bring an umbrella!
I'm not old enough to go anywhere far on my own, at least that's what my parents say. Whenever I visit my friends house they insist on driving me even though she doesn't live very far. I guess my Mom and Dad are just worried for me, they don't want me going missing. Let's say I wanted to go to the store which is just down the road, they won't let me go unless one of them is with me, it gets annoying especially when they don't want to go. For real, all I want is a nice cold drink. When I'm Sixteen or Seventeen is when they might finally let me go on my own.