The Wario Land 4 HD Album Project!

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[Update] - "The Wario Hop" is now available to listen on Youtube!

Well, this took me a while... it's such a crazy song! PushingUpDaisies:

DrStein: WarioCar:: <("I'm gonna run into this old man...") Huh?:VforVictory:

Of all your tracks so far, I reckon this needs the least critique. You've pretty much nailed it, and I love how it builds in energy after each sequence. Very ambitious and well put together! You clearly put a lot of effort in.

I mean, I would LIKE to give you constructive criticism, but I seriously can't find anything here! I'd love to hear what the Shyster thinks of it (ShyguyXXL).
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Of all your tracks so far, I reckon this needs the least critique. You've pretty much nailed it, and I love how it builds in energy after each sequence. Very ambitious and well put together! You clearly put a lot of effort in.

I mean, I would LIKE to give you constructive criticism, but I seriously can't find anything here! I'd love to hear what the Shyster thinks of it (ShyguyXXL).

Well, that's actually good! That mean I met your expectations! :D

Where's my ShyGuy?!
Well, that's actually good! That mean I met your expectations! :D

Where's my ShyGuy?!

Just listened to it again with headphones this time. I think the reason I find it so hard to critique this remix is because it's such a madcap, off-key song to begin with.
To quote my Youtube comment, "a dysfunctional polka band crossed with a seedy carnival sideshow, out in the wild west...." and also "the more demented it is, the better"

It's not like the main level themes where there's a very refined and disciplined composition going on. I mean, it's hard to imagine The Wario Hop playing in levels like Monsoon Jungle or The Curious Factory! Haha! It's so absolutely off the rails, you can let loose and have fun with it, unlike the level themes themselves which require more precision/serious feedback, because you have less to work with.
I can't help but smile at 3:26-3:58. It's so insane yet jolly, it's got me dancing a jig as I work. Haha! This remix could easily be played at Oktoberfest!*whistles*
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Alright, I gave you some feedback in the comment section. ^^

It's a shame that the HD, less compressed versions aren't quite complete or have tiny flaws here and there. Only someone like me, who's been listening to these songs for years can notice the differences. :STongue:
Alright, I gave you some feedback in the comment section. ^^

It's a shame that the HD, less compressed versions aren't quite complete or have tiny flaws here and there. Only someone like me, who's been listening to these songs for years can notice the differences. :STongue:

I do notice the differences too, but I kinda left it as is. Believe me when I say this song was Super Hard Mode compared to Hurry Up!! xD
There are so many little details I decided to keep my sanity for now! Haha!

But thanks for the feedback! Always welcome!
Hey, just wanna say that I really like your work. :) I've also subbed on your Youtube channel!
How do you feel about remaking Wario Land 2 music?

Thanks for the support!
I would love to remake the Wario Land 2 soundtrack, sure! Now, I'm just taking a break from Wario games, I need to focus on other types of music, but I'll surely do it! :D
I'm placing the first few tracks of the Album in the Resouces! I can't upload them, you'll be taken to google drive to download them, unfortunately...