I know both you, @The Big Magma, and @Metal have some sort of old grudge about Kyon, but at least he tried to help solve the shoutbox issue, knowing a lot of people cared about it. He's the admin because he made the first move. So far, the ride has been smooth, I was pissed at Kyon's ways too, but I respect him and how he tried to change.
It's not really a grudge. I don't have anything against him anymore. I've already forgiven him for the stuff he did before. That being said, I just don't like him. I don't want to draw this out anymore.
Sorry, but I am almost certain you already had the Discord created beforehand and thus Admin already and people just agreed to it out of convenience and it just happened to work out. You didn't really earn it.

I might have had the Discord up already, but my point still stands, I'm still admin there and yes, it did work out. They all think I'm a pretty good admin. Reasonable, I follow other ideas and I try to make sure everyone has a good time.

I'm not going wild over there, nor have I been spamming Ashley, they even acknowledged that fact. Everybody is happy to see what I become, but no, you don't care about joining, so all you know me for is spamming Ashley and talking about her.
If you haven't noticed, I only ever talk about Ashley on her own thread, where it belongs, and even then it isn't that much, it's not like I'm on this thread everyday, I post when there is news to report, okay?

In this case, as I said before, was building upon Oldpug's post, I didn't want to start all of this. I just wanted a good chat with my best friend about some silly Wario/Ashley crossover that is likely to never happen, but is fun to talk about.
I might have had the Discord up already, but my point still stands, I'm still admin there and yes, it did work out. They all think I'm a pretty good admin. Reasonable, I follow other ideas and I try to make sure everyone has a good time.

I'm not going wild over there, nor have I been spamming Ashley, they even acknowledged that fact. Everybody is happy to see what I become, but no, you don't care about joining, so all you know me for is spamming Ashley and talking about her.
If you haven't noticed, I only ever talk about Ashley on her own thread, where it belongs, and even then it isn't that much, it's not like I'm on this thread everyday, I post when there is news to report, okay?

In this case, as I said before, was building upon Oldpug's post, I didn't want to start all of this. I just wanted a good chat with my best friend about some silly Wario/Ashley crossover that is likely to never happen, but is fun to talk about.
Acknowledged. I have no rebuttal.
That would be awesome, if it was true. I wish Nintendo could have done one for Mr. L in paper Mario, but I highly doubt that Nintendo will do that.

No doubt about that, Puggy. I'd like to see Ashley added some time in the near future ((Inb4 Japan get's them first and we have to wait a few weeks to get it too.))
It looks amazing Ash! I really like the red eyes. I don't remember having the option to use red eyes on the Miis, is that a new option?
Yes it is, The Mii maker on the switch is a lot more customizable in terms of color then the previous versions on the Wii, the 3DS, & The Wii U. in that you can change both the hair and the eyes to whatever color you want, wherea's the older version had more realistic eye and hair colors.